Chapter Two - Sleepwalkin'

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"Look at me"

Lemongrab thought that was quite a poetic ending to one's life. She always liked to think of her soulmate like that, poetic. They also hoped that they would be the one to eventually hear those words, that they would get time with their soulmate, something that so many lacked.

"Oi Lemongrab!" Sirius called from the other side of the corridor.

"What?" They shouted back, amused by his childish nature.

Sirius didn't reply, he just motioned with his head towards the classroom next to him. Lemongrab stared at him as they walked towards it, puzzled.

"What?" They asked again, this time within talking distance.

"Just look!" Sirius half-spoke, half-whispered, gesturing once again towards the half-open classroom door.

Lemongrab cautiously peered in, not completely allowing herself to trust Sirius; they knew him too well.

Inside the classroom stood the rest of the Marauders, all huddled around a large, bubbling cauldron. Sirius shoved her inside and shut the door hastily behind them.

"Sirius!" Lemongrab looked around the room, confused and slightly dazed, "What is going on here?"

James looked up from the cauldron, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Okay! Potions whiz Earl Of, we need your help."

Sirius ushered them towards the cauldron.

"Right here are the beginnings of a potion that will hopefully make Small Saverus's potion explode when we pour it in, it's genius! It's an erumpent potion mixed with a-"

"Yeah I'm going to stop you right there, Sirius." Lemongrab laughed gently, "You don't need all this stuff to make a potion explode! All you need is a conflicting ingredient. We're brewing amortentia next week, all you need is something like powdered bicorn horn to conflict with the ashwinder eggs."

They all stopped and stared at Lemongrab for a moment. Lemongrab found it quite humerous. His friends were all wickedly intelligent, but sometimes their intelligence led them to overcomplicated solutions because they were able to achieve their means that way, leaving them completely blind to the much simpler route right infront of them.

"Lemongrab... you are a genius!" Sirius laughed, wrapping Lemongrab into a tight hug. Lemongrab felt a warmth run through her body at Sirius's touch.

They felt slightly guilty about helping the Marauders prank Small Saverus, but they enjoyed problem solving and pranking so much! They just wished Small Saverus wasn't the target. Still, it helped them in a large way, it helped them disguise something.

Lemongrab was totally and completely in love with Small Saverus.

He wasn't very happy about this revelation, Lemongrab wasn't the type to crush on people, but Small Saverus was an exception. However, she couldn't bear the idea of him finding out, so she held him at arms length. She didn't allow him to get close to her for fear of getting hurt. It was far easier for Lemongrab to pretend to hate Small Saverus than it was to love him.


"What are you still doing up?" Lemongrab yawned from the stairs of the Gryffindor common room.

"Couldn't sleep." Sirius said matter-of-factly. He was sitting infront of the fireplace, leaning against the red couch behind him. This scenario wasn't uncommon for Sirius, and Lemongrab knew him well enough to know that she shouldn't pry. They simply walked towards him and leant casually over the couch he was infront of.

"Well I was just about to sneak down to the kitchens to get a quick snack, care to join me?" They asked kindly.

Sirius considered this for a moment, and then stood up.

"I'll grab the map." He grinned.


Fifteen minutes later they were down in the kitchen, laughing amongst themselves as the house elves baked them little pastries. They had to talk quietly so they wouldn't be caught, but the walls were fairly soundproof.

"I swear to Merlin Sirius I will throw this pastry in your face if you don't shut up." Lemongrab giggled, her yellow hair/fur falling infront of her face.

"Not if I don't beat you to it!" Sirius retaliated, motioning as if he was going to throw the pastry at them, but stopping just before impact.

"Shh!" Lemongrab pushed him off, still laughing, "We'll wake up the whole castle!"

"Oh hold on," Sirius whispered, reaching his arm out. "You've got a bit of pastry in your hair/fur."

His fingers gently met the side of Lemongrab's face, carefully removing the little speck of pastry and placing their hair/fur behind their ear/stem. They stared at eachother for a moment, until Lemongrab pulled away.

"Thanks." She said quietly, taking a bite of her pastry.

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