Chapter One - Didn't Know What I Was in For

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A playlist of all the songs used in this fic:


"For you I would ruin myself a million"

Those were the words that had been written on Small Saverus's arm since the day he had been born. A confusing sentence, he was aware. It didn't make any grammatical sense whatsoever (Sav couldn't stand bad grammar), and he thought it seemed like a rather pathetic way to go, saying you would ruin yourself for somebody else. He supposed some people might find it romantic, but he didn't. It wasn't endearing, it wasn't special, it was just stupid... but he figured he'd find out the context eventually, or maybe he'd die before he had the chance. Either way, he tried not to burden himself with it too much.

The whole system was rather cruel, your soulmate's last words. Saverus had heard horror stories from people who spent their whole lives hating someone until they died and it turned out they were soulmates, or people who were married for 30+ years and when their partner died their last words weren't the ones written on the others' arm. Some people made the decision to say a code sentence and then take a vow of silence for the rest of their lives just so they could have more time with their person. It did seem a little backward that you didn't find out until it was too late to act on it, but that's just how it was.

Saverus, however, had no time for vows of silence. His ambitions were far more important to him than any person, even if they were his "soulmate". He was focused on becoming a master potioneer, he had a particular knack for the subject. So there he sat, in Sixth year potions, frantically taking notes as Professor Slughorn spoke about Alihotsy Draught, a potion made from the Alihotsy plant. Drinking it or inhaling its fumes induced uncontrollable laughter. Next to him sat Lily Evans, his dearest friend and the only one who made him believe that the concept of Soulmates could even be possible. He had no idea what was written on her arm (there was a certain etiquette around not showing your words to people, trying to keep the natural order as much as possible and not cheat death) but every part of him hoped they were the words that he would eventually utter on his death bed.

"Excuse me, Professor." came a voice from behind him. The voice of James Potter serenaded by a chorus of giggles behind him.

"Yes, Potter?" Professor Slughorn sighed.

"This is all terribly interesting but my mate Sirius here has a date with Earl of Lemongrab so could we wrap this up a bit quicker?" He smirked, Black turning around to high-five him from his seat next to the Lemon in question.

Saverus scoffed. He thought Earl of Lemongrab had better taste than to go for a filthy blood traitor like Black.

"Potter with all that giggling behind you, one would think you'd slipped all those girls an Alihotsy Draught as you are most definitely not as funny as you think you are." Saverus retorted, earning a slight smile from the girl next to him.

"Enough!" Spat Slughorn. "I will not tolerate this ridiculous, immature behavior in my classroom! Detention, the lot of you!"

"The lot-?" Black began to question, that stupid grin still plastered on his face, but Slughorn interrupted.

"Black, Potter, Earl of, Small! All of you are staying back at lunch."

"Me?" Saverus started, "But, Professor I di-"

"The lot of you!" He spat, his squashed little face bright red from frustration.

Saverus sunk into his chair, folding his arms angrily.

Everybody had been a bit on edge recently, especially the professors. Political tensions were rising, and although most people didn't pay attention to the news, Small Saverus did. He could tell something big was coming, but he didn't know which side he agreed with. This new group was compelling and their message was rooted in logic, but change isn't always good and the way things were was working fine for the moment, so why change it? His friends in Slytherin seemed to agree with whatever their parents said, and most of their parents seemed to be backing this new political party. It wasn't a question for them, they just went along with what they were told.

Saverus wasn't sure if he agreed with the stuff his friends were saying, but at least they had an opinion, even if it was just mimicking what their parents said. What was worse was the attitude people like Potter had towards the whole situation. They didn't seem to care about any of it, they just joked around in ignorance like the fools they were, or maybe they didn't even know it was happening, Saverus wouldn't be surprised.

Small Saverus was zoned out as Professor Slughorn drawled on and on about the details of the Alihotsy Draught. Saverus was a whiz at potions and could brew a draught like this in his sleep, he didn't have to bother paying attention.

Once the bell rang he packed up his things and chatted with Lily, standing up to leave - but Slughorn's eyes drew him back to his seat.

"Mister Small, back in your seat, please. This is your lunchtime, not mine. I'm more than happy to wait."

Small Saverus sunk back into his chair as Lily gave him a soft sympathetic smile and walked away.

"Sorry Evans, he's stuck with us. You can stay too if you want?" Potter winked at Lily with the same smug smile he always wore.

Lily just rolled her eyes and walked out. She was far too smart and far too annoyed to give Potter a reaction anymore. His "witty" remarks were tedious after six years. Yet again Saverus thought they'd been tedious to begin with.

"Sorry mate, better luck next time." Black grinned at Potter and turned back to Earl of Lemongrab, who looked just as smug as the rest of them.

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