Chapter 14 - Universal Studios Japan

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The second Kaida slipped into her seat on the bus, she pushed small, white buds into her ears and drowned out the chatter of her classmates with a typical emo playlist as she rested her head against the glass window.

She was grateful for Shoto's presence in the seat beside her, the two of them radiating an antisocial aura that ensured they were hardly disturbed during the drive to USJ.

Her mind felt exhausted, drained of all energy even though she had slept like a stone the night before. Muddy grey eyes, dirty blue hair and a face covered with a severed hand plagued her every thought, keeping her in a constant state of paranoia.

She stood at the back of her class once they had arrived at their destination, hiding her distracted presence behind Shoto's broad shoulders as she ignored the introduction of the rescue hero, Thirteen.

Her focus was captured when the hairs on the back of her neck rose, and a chill ran down her spine. She could physically feel the shadows in the room growing stronger, her power whispering in her ear like a ghost.

She frowned; her eyes trained on the ground when wisps of shadowy power that didn't belong to her began to weave across the floor and curl around her feet. She absentmindedly twisted the wisps of darkness around her fingers, alarm bells beginning to ring in her head when the foreign power resisted her control. If it was shadow, then she should have no problem bending it to obey her, but an aura of evil made Kaida retract her hands from the tendrils of darkness like she had been stung, the voices of Thirteen and Mr Aizawa fading to a muffled blur in the back of her head.

Her eyes followed the tentacles of shadow across the floor as she turned to watch the stray wisps of darkness join up with the swirling mass of blackness that was rapidly forming behind the class.

She tugged gently on Shoto's sleeve, eyes still glued to the sinister figure materialising behind the group. Immediately, an arm wrapped around her waist, and she was dragged backwards, almost tripping over her own feet as Shoto pulled her behind the protection of the two teachers who had forced their way to the front of the group.

"Get back, students! This is not a training exercise; these are real villains!" Thirteen's voice was stern, but failed to hide the hint of distress coming from the hero as more swirling portals appeared in the building, low-ranking villains pouring out in waves, causing their homeroom teacher to launch himself into the middle of the enemy to protect his students from the incoming threat.

Kaida strained against Shoto's strong arm, her focus trained on the figure controlling the portals. She could feel his power like it was her own, his living darkness roaring like a caged animal that was slowly breaking free.

"Shoto" She murmured, instinctively pressing back into his chest. "Something's about to happen."

"Something like wh-"

She couldn't do anything to stop Shoto curling his body over hers like a shield when power exploded from the shadow villain like a tidal wave engulfing the class. The ground fell away from under the pair, and suddenly they were laying sprawled out across uneven dirt ground, tangled in each other's limbs. Shoto groaned, and Kaida squeaked in shock, instantly clambering off of him while profusely spouting apologies. It wasn't until she looked up that she realised they had witnesses to their embarrassing landing.

"Oh, shit." She said bluntly.

A ring of villains surrounded them, and the two students jumped to their feet, quirks activating. Clearly the attackers hadn't known the amount of power each student held, and within minutes Kaida and Shoto were surrounded by unconscious bodies encased in blocks of ice.

Kaida's head whipped around as the pained cries of her homeroom teacher reached her ears, and she turned to Shoto. He nodded, as though reading her expression.

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