Chapter 15 - Connections

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Mr Aizawa already looked sick of his class when he announced that they would be choosing hero names in homeroom that Thursday morning. No doubt he had predicted that his more...immature students would make a joke out of the activity, giving him a bigger headache than he already had.

"Five bucks if you deliberately piss off Mr Aizawa." Kaida whispered into Kaminari's ear, eliciting a maniacal grin from the boy, who scribbled down something in barely legible handwriting as his name was called, before swinging out of his seat and walking jauntily to the front of the room.

"I present the Electric Hero: Electrodaddy!"

Kaminari's glinting eyes were fixed on Mr Aizawa, his idiotic smile unwavering under the teacher's harsh stare. The smile morphed into a questioning raise of his eyebrow.

"What do you think, sir?" he asked in a serious tone.

Mr Aizawa rubbed his temples with long, spindly fingers. "I think that we're picking hero titles, not Pornhub usernames. Try again, Kaminari."

Kaminari gasped in mock offence, placing a hand over his heart. "I would never! Besides, my Pornhub username is far more seductive." He was forced back to his chair by the death glare of Mr Aizawa, the man's bloodshot eyes looking suitable for a vampire.

Mr Aizawa's face seemed to become even more exhausted, a feat Kaida didn't think possible, as he called Bakugou to the front of the room to present his hero name.

The ash blonde stormed to the podium, slamming his whiteboard down and obnoxiously shouting his chosen name.

"KING EXPLOSION MURDER!!" He hollered maniacally.

"No." Mr Aizawa stated flatly, prompting a series of curses and attempted arguments from Bakugou before he disgruntledly returned to his seat to choose a new name.

"Kisaragi, you're up."

Kaida didn't hesitate, bouncing to the front of the class excitedly. "Necromancer!" She gushed. But her giddy smile was quickly wiped away by the disapproving stare of her homeroom teacher.

"What's wrong with it?" She whined, sticking out her bottom lip.

"It's too macabre." Aizawa sighed.

Kaida trudged back to her seat, staring blankly at her now empty whiteboard.

"Bakugou, again." Aizawa drawled.

"LORD Explosion Murder!!"

"That's the same thing, dumbass!" Kaida laughed, earning a murderous stare from him.

"She's right, try again. You're up again, Kisaragi." Mr Aizawa had his face practically buried in his hands by now.

"Reaper!" She grinned.

Their teacher leant heavily against his desk with a sigh. "You two have to pick something that doesn't relate in any way to death or murder. You're supposed to be inspiring hope."

Kaida stopped abruptly at Bakugou's desk, where he was grumbling over his blank whiteboard. She slammed her hand down on the wood, causing him to glare up at her.

"You pick my name and I'll pick yours." She suggested, although it wasn't really a question.

"Fine. But you'll probably come up with something fucking dumb." He grumbled.

She raised her eyebrows, surprised that he had said yes. "And you'll probably pick something violent." She giggled, returning to her desk before he could throttle her.

After several minutes, the pair stood at the podium together, trying to peek at each other's whiteboards. Bakugou turned his around, showing the class the hero name he had chosen for the shadow-bender.

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