Chapter 3 - An Unfriendly Introduction

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Kids poured through the imposing gates of UA, most of them dominating Kaida in both height and width despite her being relatively tall.

She gave everyone she saw a once-over as she walked slowly towards the main building; pink skin, multiple arms, elf ears and a girl with hair made of thick green vines. There was an endless amount of people-watching to be done here, and a tiny smile flashed across her face.

She was so close to the main building, gaze glued on a fascinating looking boy with a bird-head when she felt two hands grip her shoulders. Her head snapped up, glaring ferociously at a boy with firetruck-red hair.

His similarly red brows flew upwards at both her expression and her ghoulish white eyes. She jolted backwards, swiping aggressively at his large hands; but he had already lifted them off her shoulders, raising them in surrender.

"Whoa, sorry." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Was just making sure you didn't walk right into me." Despite Kaida's anger, a broad smile spread across his lips.

Her glare dissolved in an instant, and she blinked, her mouth hanging open slightly.

She shook herself off. "No, it's my bad." She projected a crooked smile onto her face. "Thanks for the save."

Her skin crawled where he had touched her, and she rubbed her shoulders roughly to get rid of the sensation.

"No problem." The boy was still smiling awkwardly at her. "It's pretty crowded out here, huh?"

She nodded vaguely, more focused on taking in his appearance. His eyes matched his hair in a monochrome collision of scarlet, and his soft looking cheeks contrasted nicely with his strong jaw. Her eyes fell on the big black soulmark staining the skin on the back and sides of his neck, and she smiled at the idea of someone throwing their arms around him.

"Eijiro Kirishima." The redhead said, holding out a large hand that Kaida clasped in her own smaller one.

"Kaida Kisaragi." She beamed at him.

A low growl sounded from the right of the red-headed boy, and Kaida turned her head to see the most aggressive face she had ever seen glaring murderous daggers at her, his soulmark a fist-sized blotch covering his left cheek.

"Hey extra! If you've got nothing else to say, then can you fuck off so we can go to class?!" His voice was a mixture of a snarl and a yell, and made Kaida feel like sandpaper was being shoved into her ears.

Anxiety began to wind its way through Kaida's stomach at the offensive words and furious stare coming from the boy with a head of fluffy, ash blonde hair, but a sarcastic smirk replaced the happy grin on her face despite her urge to hide behind Kirishima.

"Who are you calling extra, Jackass!" She retorted.

The fuming boy hesitated, not expecting someone to dare to talk back to him.

"I thought it was pretty clear it was aimed at you, air head." He growled finally.

Before Kaida could open her mouth to respond with another snarky comment and risk getting her head bashed in, Kirishima stepped between the two with a bright grin plastered across his face as Kaida and the blonde boy glowered at each other.

"At least let us get to class before you kill one another. You two can strangle each other during training." he suggested.

Kaida smirked at the blonde boy over Kirishima's shoulder. "Ooh, kinky' she laughed as he began to go red in the face with fury. Kirishima snorted, swinging an arm over his friend's shoulders that was quickly shaken off.

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