Chapter 12 - The Agency

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Kaida had gotten hundreds of offers to join various hero agencies for her week-long internship. Many of the heroes she had never heard of, but she had managed to collect offers from eight out of ten of the top ten heroes.

Her answer was a no brainer, despite her apparent popularity, she had accepted Keigo's request to join his agency for the week the instant he had asked her. Sure, there were probably other heroes that were better suited to her and her quirk, but Keigo was her big brother, and had practically adopted her since her father got arrested. Plus, despite the vast difference in their quirks, he had managed to train her beautifully before she started at UA.

There was a rare sort of light behind her eyes as she walked through the glass doors of the towering skyscraper that was home to Keigo's agency, approaching the stern-looking receptionist seated behind a chunky marble desk.

"I'm Kaida Kisaragi, here for the interns-"

"Little sister!" A male voice echoed off the walls and Kaida whipped around, a brilliant grin adorning her face as she saw the red-winged man stepping out of the elevator.

The receptionist wrinkled her nose as Kaida let out an excited squeal, dropping her bags and flying into the open arms of the number #3 pro hero, colliding with him so hard the pair rocked backwards. It was a sight to see as the blonde hero and the winner of the UA sports festival jumped up and down in each other's embrace, giggling and laughing loudly.

The bird-man let out a childish whoop of glee, ruffling Kaida's hair as they pulled apart. It had been almost three months since she had seen him, and her cheeks ached with how wide her smile was. Five days. She would get to see him every day for five days.


"So!" Keigo sat himself down on his desk while Kaida threw herself into his massive office chair. "I'm warning you now..." He started. "This job is a lot of paperwork, and a lot of patrolling."

Kaida shrugged, swinging her feet back and forth. "I'm kinda over fighting anyways. I feel like I get a nosebleed like every three days."

Keigo nodded. "I'm not surprised, kid. That stunt you pulled at the festival was pretty phenomenal."

Her eyes dropped, and she gave him an awkward smile. "Yeah, I guess..." She began to chew on her bottom lip.

Keigo's eyebrows furrowed, and he tapped her chin lightly. "Hey, cut that out." He sighed. "Look, it's pretty obvious what happened."

When Kaida's eyes widened he gave her an obviously look.

"Well one second, that blonde kid had a big black soulmark on his cheek, and the next he didn't. So I think I can make an educated guess as to the reason why."

"...I'm not gonna fall in love with him." She mumbled, twisting her fingers together nervously.

"That's ok." Keigo reassured her. "You don't have to. You know that, right?"

She nodded.

"You just gotta know that somehow, it's gonna work out between you two. It's literally fate that you're going to get along eventually."

Kaida gave him a cheeky smile. "Or be some kind of mortal enemies bound by destiny."

He arched an eyebrow. "Yeah, sure. That too."


Patrolling sucked. It was boring, tiring, and too many people thought they could stare at her and Keigo freely. Luckily his huge wings allowed them a wide berth from the busy crowds populating Kyushu.

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