Lunch with the Madrigals

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I wake up in a room I'm unfamiliar with. It smells like mangoes and it's a lot bigger than my normal room. I sit up in a rush and look around. This isn't my room. I hear a knock on the door. "Y/n? Can I come in? Well it's my room but I don't know what your current situation is and I don't want to walk in." I gasp and realise I fell asleep with Camilo. Does anyone know? I run up to the door and whisper, "Who knows I'm here?" I hear Camilo laugh awkwardly and when he opens the door, I see him, Dolores and Isabella. My face burns bright red but Dolores smiles. "Don't worry y/n, we know what happened; Camilo tried explaining but he was a stammering mess. He was repetitive enough for us to finally understand what he meant."

Isabella pulls me out of Camilo's room and pushes me off to hers. "We need to go and get you dressed, we're having lunch outside and I would like to invite you." I didn't get a chance to say bye to Camilo or Dolores but it's not like I would've had a choice to decline Isabella's invitation because I was already outside her door. "Y/n pick a colour. Pink, purple or red." Isabella ushers me in and shows me a selection of the coloured dresses she said. I glance at the choices and place a hand on my hip. "I wanna go with... pink?" And just like that, Isabella grows some pink roses around the waist of the dress and down the sides. It looked beautiful so I went to try it on. I was truly impressed with Isabella's work. When I walked out, she smiled and showed me a white corset. "I think this would make the outfit so much more prettier!" I glance down at the corset and laugh nervously. Is she going to tighten it for me?

I slide the corset on around my waist and I let Isabella adjust it. "Okay, so take a deep breath in. Oh and you might wanna cover your mouth." I look over my shoulder at her with worry. "Why do I need to cover my- AHHHHHHH!!!" She placed her foot on my back and pulled at the strings with all her might. I scream in pain and stand there trying to catch my breath. Isabella definitely did not hesitate in making the corset the tightest it could go, I could barely breathe. "Isa- Oh, this is v-very tight but thank you-" After I could finally breathe normally, I stand up straight and look at myself in her mirror. Isabella was right; this dress did look a lot better with the cream white corset. She walks over to me and looks at my hair. "You have such nice hair, can I do it for you?" I hum and nod my head.

Isabella was really gentle with my hair. She was soft with the brush and tied my hair into a braid, leaving the front two strands out like how I normally style my hair. Isabella gives it a finishing touch by growing a white rose and placing it in my hair. "Gracias Isa. I love it so much," I admire myself again, I look so feminine and graceful; just like Isabella. "but do you only have them coloured dresses? Don't you have green, blue or yellow? How about orange? Or different flowers? I bet you'd make really pretty asiatic lillies." Isabella just looks at me and laughs nervously. "Uh I only know how to do these roses, sorry." I laugh and give her a quick hug. "It's fine, don't worry."

I walk out and discreetly dance along the second floor, swaying the dress from side to side. I watch my feet work and hum a slow song. "Your father liked to dance too." I hear a voice laugh and I turn red. Who was watching me? "Oh, Abuela. I uh, didn't know you were watching me." She holds my face and smiles softly. "Lo siento, chica but you were so good, I couldn't not watch you." A polite laugh comes from my lips and my attention moves to Mirabel behind Abuela, rushing down the stairs into the garden. "It was nice seeing you this morning, Abuela. I'll go help out with the tables and things outside, okay?" I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, and follow Mirabel.

Unfortunately, I fall over Dolores and almost rip my dress. "Oh, I'm sorry Dolores. I didn't see you, are you hurt? I'm really sorry if you are hurt-" Dolores quickly covers my mouth with her hand. "I'm trying to listen to Mirabel. But yes, I'm fine." She helps me up and walks outside. I hear Félix scolding someone. "Camilo. Stop pretending you're Dolores so you can get seconds!" I creep outside to see one guilty Dolores, one confused Mirabel, an annoyed Félix and.. another Dolores? The confused Dolores turns into Camilo and he just shrugs. "Worth a shot." Casita hits him and I hear him yelp. With a laugh, I walk up next to him and take one of his arepas. "Thank you, niño bonito~" Camilo looks offended but when he sees that it's me, he just scoffs and smiles. "I don't normally let people take my food but I'll let you off," He gets really serious and glances at me. "only this once, hermosa. I must get my precious food." He sighs dramatically and peeks at me with a small smile. I roll my eyes and sigh back at him. "Of course. My príncipe needs his food, I wouldn't want him to get sick now, would I?" Camilo just laughs and nudges me. "Touché hermosa."

"Y/n? Could you please come here quickly? I want to ask you something." Pepa waves at me with a smile. I look over at Camilo who just shrugs. "I'll see you at the table." I nod and walk up to Pepa. "Hola Pepa, are you okay?" Pepa's smile just turns into a smirk. "So, what's the deal with you and Camilo? I've seen how he acts with you and he's never normally that close with anyone. Especially a girl~" My face turns red and I shake my head furiously. "No no no no no, it's not like that. It isn't. Camilo and I are just.. friends!" I see her raise an eyebrow in amusement. There's no point trying to lie to Pepa, she can tell. "Okay fine, Camilo is a very nice guy. He's honest and sweet and thoughtful and charming and-" I clasp my hands over my mouth and peek at Pepa, who just squeals and picks me up, spinning me around. "This is so cute!" After she puts me down, I hide my face and repeatedly complain. "Pepa you can't tell anyone! I don't even know if I genuinely feel like this. I could just be having troubles differentiating platonic feelings and romantic ones. Camilo could just be a genuine friend who's there for me." Pepa sighs and holds my hands softly. "I know what happened last year, your papa told me but I won't bring up your past. Just know that Camilo isn't anything like them. I can swear on Casita that it's true. He's a pure hearted boy but just know that if he ever hurts you, tell me. I'll sort him out-" "MAMA." I jump and turn around to see a very flustered Camilo storming up to us and an entertained Dolores behind him. "Y/n hermo- ahem. I have your food ready. So shoo shoo." He gently pushes me towards Dolores and I hear Pepa screaming again. I turn to see her embracing her son tightly and I can't help but giggle. I sigh and look at Dolores, finally realising why she looked so amused. "Dolores, what did you tell Camilo?" She winks at me. "Don't worry, I only told him that Mama was speaking about how much of a good boy he is."

Finding my seat, I'm the first one to take a seat. Luisa sits in front of me, Agustin sits to my right and a very embarrassed Camilo to my left. I go to ask him if he's alright but I look up to my left and see both Pepa and Félix smirking at us, which makes me look straight forward at Luisa with a bright red face. She already told Félix- I hear Mirabel whispering something to Luisa but I jump when she slams the table. "You do know something!" We all look at her and Abuela says something. I couldn't quite hear but Mirabel was now right next to her... making Félix and Pepa closer to Camilo and I. Abuela makes a speech and after everyone says "La familia Madrigal!", everyone goes off to do their own thing but the four of us stay seated. Camilo and Félix because they wanted to finish their food, Pepa because I could obviously tell she had questions and me because I was finishing the rest of my drink.

"So, y/n have you had any boyfriends?" Félix asks. I swallow my drink too quickly and feel it burn my nose. I end up choking and Camilo pats my back, leaning over me to make sure I'm fine. I tap his hand as reassurance and sit up again. "Yes, I've had one, ahem." Félix looks at me and carries on questioning me. "How long were you together?" My eyes widen at his curiosity. "A year." I smile awkwardly at the parents and avoid eye contact as much as possible. Then Pepa asks me, "What do you look for in a partner?" I slowly look at her but in the corner of my eye, I see Camilo paying attention aswell. "Uhh- heh. Well uhmm, he has to be respectful of my boundaries, first and foremost. I want him to be funny, and charming, thoughtful. He has to be romantic too, I want to feel loved in the relationship if you get what I mean?" I realise Camilo's focusing on something but Pepa narrows her eyes at me and smirks. "But y/n, isn't that exactly how you described-" I cut her off by laughing loudly. Félix and Camilo look at me slightly concerned but Pepa just shrugs. "Fine, fine. My mouth is closed."
"Do you think Camilo meets those standards?" Félix eagerly asks me. Then Camilo stands up so fast that his chair drops. "AY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME?! Ahem, I mean. Y/n, let's go for a walk around the village, yes?" He picks me up out of my seat and leads me down the path. I turn around to wave goodbye to Félix and Pepa who just smirk and wave back.

In Love with a Madrigal (Camilo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now