Señora Fernandez

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Sebastián is in the middle, Camilo on the left and I'm on the right when we reach the house. I'm confused as to why we're here but I don't question it anymore and knock on the door. I hear Camilo take a deep breath and Sebastián rubs his back.

Camilo knocks on the door and a woman opens it. She looks young enough to be my mother. Her wavy black hair flowing down her back and her chocolate brown eyes are the most recognisable feature on her face. There's something about her eyes though that concerns me; they look permanently puffy and her lips are curled into a small frown. She musters up a forced smile but it becomes genuine when she sees Sebastián.

"Ay mijo, you're back already. Where's Selena?" She asks.

"She's still at Casita, mama." Sebastián replies and looks at Camilo and I.

My eyebrows raise in curiosity and I speak to the lady. "Are you Sebastián's mother?"

She nods and smiles again. "Si, that's me. Please tell me he hasn't bothered you," her eyes drift to Sebastián in concern. "if he has then tell me."

I laugh politely at the lady and shake my head. "We had a bit of a rocky start when we first met if I'm honest but now we're fine. We're book partners now actually. About that, may I know your name? Or should I call you Señora Fernandez?"

The lady nods her head. "Call me Valentina. I'm Valentina Fernandez but if you want to call me Señora Fernandez then I'm not stopping you."

Sebastián nudges Camilo forward and he stumbles, just in front of Valentina. She gasps and reaches out hesitantly to stand Camilo up straight.

"Camilo? It's been ages since I've seen you! Ay, how are you? How's Pepa and Felix doing? I've heard that Antonio has his gift now but I haven't been able to see for myself, I couldn't attend the gift ceremony unfortunately. Are you and Sebastián friends now? I've missed seeing you and the rest of your family but look at you!" She strokes Camilo's face gently and smiles. "You've grown into such a fine young man." I stifle a laugh and hold my arms behind my back. Sebastián stammers in embarrassment and Camilo holds Valentina's hand softly.

"I've been fine, Señora. The family miss you guys too but I was too stubborn to do anything so because of me, there wasn't any type of contact. Thankfully, due to the extra stubbornness of y/n..," he looks back and gives me a polite and small smile. "we can all be the way we used to be."

I feel my heart warm and Sebastián clears his throat.

"Now that the reunion is done, mama. Y/n was caught in Casita when it collapsed and she's been impaled in her side. Her arm is also injured but it's not critical, maybe a cast would be well for that. Her side is the most important thing right now though so maybe you could help?"

I roll my eyes at Sebastián's urgency and I step forward but as I do so, I get a sharp pain in my side and I drop. All three of them crowd around me and Valentina bends down to help me up. I hold her hand and the boys need to support me in order for me to stand up straight. My other hand grasps my side and Valentina leads me through the door.

"This way, y/n. At the end of the house, I have a guest room. You can stay here until you're better, I'll get someone to tell your parents." She looks down at me and gives me a comforting smile.

I glance ahead and feel my head getting dizzy. My hand is beginning to be drenched with blood so I apply more pressure to my wound, despite the pain.

"Hang in there, y/n." Camilo softly whispers.

A short chapter, yes I know. I've been working on another book and I've had meetings for my courseworks so I didn't have as much time as I thought I did.

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