Wedding preparations

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Bruno and Valentina announcing their engagement was definitely unexpected but I don't exactly think anything bad of it. If anything I find it rather cute. They're like two opposites that are attracted through love.

Bruno is a quiet, private man who likes keeping to himself and Valentina is a woman who loves to make everyone happy and she's full of life and is willing to give any amount of love to anyone. Their relationship is admirable despite the fact I've only seen them together an amount of times that I can count on my hands.

"Sebastián, hey! What are you doing here by yourself?" I ask as I climb over the balcony to sit on the edge of Casita with him. He just sighs quietly and leans against my shoulder.

"Bruno seems like an awesome guy but.." he hesitates slightly before continuing. "He isn't my father. Not my real one anyway. Now that I know the man that my mama has been sneaking off to see over the last couple years, I don't know how to feel about it. It doesn't feel right to call another man my dad after my one was relentlessly killed for the wrong reasons. Y/n, how should I react to this, you seem like a family type of person."  Sebastián glances up at me and I see his eyes glisten in the moonlight.

"Trust me, I'm not a family person at all. My relationship with my mama isn't exactly the best and I'm distant with my father and little sister because I don't want them to worry about my problems.. but I mean, I can help you since our problems aren't the same." I smile down at him and lean my head on his once he carries on staring forwards into the distance. "Yes, Bruno is someone you're not familiar with, yes you're going to have doubts about him at times and yes, he could never replace your father. But I don't think that's what your mama is planning on doing, she's marrying Bruno out of love, not because she wants to replace your papa. You've made it sound like he's the most amazing man to ever exist and quite frankly, I would feel the same if I was in your position.. but please, give Bruno a chance. Valentina wouldn't bring a man who could be a potential threat to your safety into your life. Bruno seems like he's really eager to get to know his new son so try. If not for me then for your mama, think of how happy it would make her to know that her husband and her beloved son actually get along, hmm?" I nudge my shoulder softly to get Sebastián's attention and he lets out a soft grunt.

"You're amazing y/n, Camilo is a truly lucky guy." Sebastián chuckles softly and sniffles, bringing his sleeve up to his eyes and wiping them. I feel my cheeks burn and I think about whether I should push him off the balcony, punch him or let him get away with his comment. I decide to let him get away with it and swing my feet over the roof, staring at the stars.


It's noon when I arrive at Casita's doorstep. The doors swing open for me with joy and I can't help but say hello to Casita. If I did that in London, I would be called crazy and that name would be added to my already not-so-great list of names. But in my defence, there's no magic houses there.

"Camilo, help Isabella get these flowers along the banisters. Luisa, Dolores and Mirabel are struggling with carrying the tables out onto the front, help them please. The wedding is tomorrow morning, we have no time to lose!" Abuela calls, walking along the hallway.

I walk into Casita with a box of cake ingredients and glance at Camilo wobbling on a stool. I laugh at his sudden face change from scared to brave when he sees me. Walking into the kitchen, I greet Julieta after I put the box down with a kiss on her cheek. Grabbing the spatula from inside the drawer, Julieta passes me a bowl and hands me the eggs and flour and the rest of the ingredients.

"But Julieta, shouldn't you bake it in case some gets injured?" My eyes follow her walking out the kitchen towards Mirabel.

"You'll be fine, mi vida. The cake isn't being made for medicine, simply for enjoyment. And, if anyone was to get injured, I have arepas prepared for that." She smiles at me and walks out to Mirabel and Dolores.

I let my mouth gape as I stare at the bowl unsure. Truth is, I don't know how to bake a cake, I never really got the chance to learn.

"Hola hermosa. You need help?" Camilo springs into the kitchen with an insane amount of energy and sits on the kitchen counter, gazing at me with what I'm guessing is adoration. "You look as beautiful as ever today." He smiles softly and blushes, reaching his hand out to brush the loose hairs out of my face. Instead of doing that though, he pokes my nose and quickly grabs a handful of flour to throw on my face. I gasp and grin at him.

"Silly boy, you can't win a fight if it's against me." I grab an egg and throw it at him but he ducks and it splats against a cupboard. I hear Casita squeak in annoyance and I instantly feel guilty. "Apologies, Casita."

"You see, hermosa.." Camilo walks up behind me and holds my face with one hand, turning my face towards his. "if you really want to win against someone," he leans in until our faces our close together and glances down at my lips. "you have to.." he leans closer and I can only assume what's going to happen next so I close my eyes, waiting for it. Then he smothers my face with more flour. "you have to make sure they're not expecting it." My eyes shoot open and I see his red face back away, still looking at my lips but trying to hide it with a mischievous smile.

"Oh you little-"

"You know what, y/n? I think it'd be better if I made the cake after all.." Julieta stands at the kitchen doorway awkwardly and glances at the flour on the floor and eggs splattered on the walls. My face goes bright red and I grab a broom.

"I'm sorry Julieta, it's just that Camilo here," I clench my teeth and glare at him, causing him to stick out his tongue at me. "he just distracted me. Yet again, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, don't worry. Actually, what would make it even better is if Camilo helped clean aswell." Julieta smiled sweetly but this smile felt threatening and Camilo felt it too because he nodded quickly and picked up a sponge, rinsing it with water and squeezing out the excess.

Julieta walked out the kitchen once again and it was just Camilo and I.

"You definitely folded." I tease, looking up at him as I sweep the flour together. He blushes once more and turns away from me.

"I did not." He murmurs and reaches up towards the egg marks.

"Oh my pretty boy, you did. You were still looking at my lips after you pulled away. You wanna kiss me so bad." I make kissing noises and hold my broom as if it was a person, imitating kissing it.

Camilo coughs and carries on cleaning. "I really didn't fold, there was.. just uh, something on your lips. That's all." He turns to look at me kissing the broom, mocking him. He throws the sponge at me and the egg on the sponge gets all over my dress.

I frown at my already messy dress with new egg over it. "I'm taking some of your clothes. Besides, I'm done cleaning." I declare and walk to his room, not giving him a chance to object what I say.

OKAY I'M HERE, I'M SO SORRY. What happened was I was writing the rest of the story out at once instead of doing my normal weekly updates so that I could upload it all at one time and finally move on with my life rather then making you guys wait for the chapters. I was a chapter away from finishing it all but I write out my stories in Notes and all of it deleted 😭 all of my other notes too, all of it gone. So I'm just gonna have to end up writing it in chapters again and not risk going offline for months trying to write out the whole rest of the story again. So please give me a little more time, I'll finish this story. I promise 🥲 and btw, I'm going for Option B.

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