4 | come a little closer

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The air is a little colder in the glen
And through the window lying open
There you are—with your eyes bright
And a smile rivaling the rising light
It happened too many times to keep count
How your gleaming hope cover and haunt
My dreams—they're simple then until now
So I'll gather my soul in my hands and bow
For the stages of life has come upon us
They didn't step back to claim what's ours
And when the waves of melancholy devour us too
Come a little closer, darling, and let me hold you

The grass is a little pale in comparison
To how leaves call and change with season
Come, love, show me the sun which you own
With your gentle hands after having sown
The bitter taste of the earth—perhaps it's a fault
Perhaps we are never meant to grasp and hold
The secrets of the universe, how things come and go
Things like love, passion, purpose—who can tell us so?
Are there things which we still have not done?
We have time, don't we? It's something that hasn't gone
So now, in your despair, tell me what has been true
Come a little closer, darling, and let me hold you

Like a tale of knights returning
Should our hearts be in rekindling
the failed love and the chances missed
—the cheap wine and the memories kissed—
Like a state of haze should our love achieve
The fruits of the void without letting us believe
The endless bliss and the hope lost and found
Do we know the reaping of faith and the silence of sound?
Love, tell me why the light of our lives has dimmed?
Was it because of me or of the trajectories we skimmed?
It's just a dialogue, love—nothing to fear or do
Come a little closer, love—let me hold you

The rain is a little bit early in this part of town
And through the same window, I see our broken crown
There you are—over a brittle bed and unwashed sheets
With a smile stretched too thin and breath in bits
I sit by your side, then, as I took everything in
How reality is in fragile beats, the years that have been
Tell me a story, love, of how we met by the beach
How I held your hand and never let you out of my reach
These are the last days and there's nothing I could do
We'll just smile and laugh—last times can be happy too
Maybe a tear will escape and words die out of the blue
So, I'll whisper, "Come a little closer, darling—let me hold you."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back to this collection after almost a year of leaving it in the dust to focus on my one-poem-a-day challenge

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back to this collection after almost a year of leaving it in the dust to focus on my one-poem-a-day challenge. Now that's done and out of the way, this collection will come alive over the next few weeks until I finish it and the series it belongs to. xD

So yeah, this poem this sad but what else is new from me? lol. I originally had the idea for this poem and the killer last line since last year and I haven't gotten around to actually writing the content until two days ago. I admit that I've been away from this poetry scheme and its voice so much that it's taken me at least three rewrites before it finally sounded right in my ears. ASOSACOW has taken its toll on me. lol.

This is also the first poem I did after the OPAD challenge that doesn't stem out from my personal life and instead tells the story of two lovers growing old together and one is dying while the other had to watch. So yee. Sad, sad, sad. But that's life. :))

Let me know what you think of this poem and comment below!

Let me know what you think of this poem and comment below!

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