15 | how the heart feels

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Starting phrases and cumbersome changes so appear
Past the rays of sunlight and unforgiven paths smear
The unrelenting gaze of judging eyes and unkept sin
How we play with fire, go to war with it, and win
We have been like this for so long, it's been a while
Since I last saw the moon when I gaze up to the sky
Following the morning that took me back to where I started
I try to find meaning in your absence and soul departed
It has been quiet around the house we built on the sand
The ocean comes only at dawn, slapping its heavy hand
On the parched hearts and the edged pieces with ink stained
My dear, I know how the ground smells after it has rained

Perhaps, it's my sense or how I look at others to live
But I've walked these paths before to not know who to give
My pieced heart—one that took too long to fix
Shall I give it to you—you, who went with whoever clicks
And with my time, I took too long to love like this
When I did, guess what I got? Anxiety on dish
Keep me from falling, you promised way back when
But all of it crashed when we have forgotten
The silent nights of crumbs and tales of why we're forsaken
So I tell you of my scars and you tell me yours over again
Our listless jives and impatient clocks are built to scorn
My dear, I know how eyes and tears hurt when they burn

Farming praises and lumbering mutters of farewells
Has it only been this long since we exchanged glances?
Is it hard to believe—how we aren't given second chances?
This is our lot; we have suffered deep in the trenches
So far, all I've been dreaming of is a love so true
But why did heaven go out of its way to have me meet you?
Love, are you a blessing or a curse coming to ensue?
Have you looked in a mirror and sifted who's who?
It has been blaring—how the end looked like to my soul
Shake me awake from the nightmare of a song
Have me open my eyes to the reality of my call
My dear, I know how bones crack when they catch my fall

It's the descent to madness—one which I should prepare for
Some say it's mad but others claim I'll fly and soar
Out of the darkness and the chaos of my thoughts
It will pass, they said—you'd be able to laugh lots
And laugh, I did; it's the only penance left for me
I tip my head back to let out the bitterness of my memory
The good times exist only to make me miss eternity
How do I miss my bus heading towards insanity?
Is this love, darling? Is it meant for someone broken?
Or have we just forced ourselves to it to avoid sinking?
Into the depths of our void, past the emptiness of old
My dear, I know how the heart feels long after love went cold

It's the descent to madness—one which I should prepare forSome say it's mad but others claim I'll fly and soarOut of the darkness and the chaos of my thoughtsIt will pass, they said—you'd be able to laugh lotsAnd laugh, I did; it's the only penanc...

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