Something 'bout him got me weak in the knees

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After school ended, she went to the cemetery to sit in front of her parents' grave and began writing in her diary. Something she usually did.

Dear diary,

I made it through the day. I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks," at least thirty-seven times. And I didn't mean it once. But no one noticed. When someone asks, "How are you?" They really don't want an answer.

Her sadness was interrupted by a crow that suddenly appeared on her parents' gravestone. It reminded her of the earlier experience she had experienced in the car.

"Okay. Hi, bird. That's not creepy or anything. Shoo!"

The bird flew off.

"That's what I thought." She said.

The crow reappeared and fog started to ascend around the cemetery. Elena saw a man standing behind a tree. She felt weird, weirdly safe. There was a creepy crow, creepy fog and a creepy man and what scared her most was that she wasn't scared. She stood up from where she was sitting carefully and began running but accidentally tripped and fell. 

That hurt. She thought but as she got up, she saw the same boy from school, the one she had bumped into earlier.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Were you following me?" She asked suspiciously.

"No, I-a, uh, I-a just — I saw you fall."

"Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery."

"I'm visiting. I have family here."

"Oh. I'm sorry. It's the fog, It's making me foggy. And then back there, there was this - this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?... I'm Elena." Elena said, unsure of the words she has just uttered.

Why am I like this? she thought.

"I'm Stefan," he said politely. For a moment, they just stood there, looking in each others' eyes.

"I know... We have History together," she said while smiling.

"And English and French," Stefan added.

"Right. Nice ring." She pointed.

"Oh. Um, It's a family ring, yeah. I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird, huh?" There was a hint of panic in Stefan's eyes, although Elena didn't notice it, he still felt weird being around a girl who looked exactly like her. Though he didn't want to admit it, in reality, he missed it.

"No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings and then there's that." she chuckled while he smiled.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked being concerned while Elena looked back to see the mysterious creepy man but he wasn't there anymore.


"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked again.

"No, uh. I'm fine, and I should be going, thanks though." She smiled but before she could say anything else or even wave goodbye or head towards her home, Stefan disappeared.


His way of disappearing made her upset but Stefan wasn't exactly her friend so she pushed him out of her thoughts.

Or at least she tried.


"Hey 'lena?" Jenna said as she heard the door open.

"Yeah?" Elena walked in.

"There's this Elijah guy, he's a part of the council and is helping me out on my research on the town's history so he will be coming over for dinner on Saturday. You and Jer gotta help me out a bit, and tell Jeremy that he has to stay for dinner and if you can, invite some of your friends over so it won't be just us and him. Kay?"

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