The Dinner

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 For the next few days, Elena, instead of avoiding everyone as she would, was living her life as she should.

She had always wanted to become a writer and now after reaching out to several magazines and other writing opportunities, a magazine hired her as an intern. Apart from that, Elena began writing stories online and developed a fan following in little time.

She wouldn't act nice to everyone like she previously did no matter how many times they hurt her, now she only talked nicely to people who deserved it. And care-bear wasn't one of them. And although Ms. Forbes made many attempts to win Ms. Gilbert back, the maiden ignored her.

Elena's POV

Dear Diary, 

           The previous week was hectic, with my new internship and attempts to build a writing career while ignoring Caroline and Stefan. I haven't seen Damon since we kissed but we've been talking via text. It's Saturday today and Jenna has invited some Elijah over for dinner. I look forward to meeting him. It's hard meeting new people in a small town as you know almost everyone. He might not be my age but I'll see if I can befriend him, I mean Beth's friends with Jenna.

          Speaking of Beth, you know how some people bring out the best in you... Beth brings out the worst in me! Lol, just kidding, but you are bound to get in trouble if you're around Beth. 'Cause, she'll get in trouble because she is... well Beth and she'll drag you with her too because she is... well... Beth... 

          Anyways, I promised to go out with her somewhere this weekend and Luke has been begging us to go to a concert with him, he didn't wanna go alone and it's been so long since the three of us did something fun together so today we decided to have a night out. I can't wait. I think this is what I really needed, and I am not talking about the night out, I'm talking about them...

                       -Love Elena.

I close my diary and smile at nothing for a moment before getting up from my bed and hiding it. After going to Jeremy's room and reminding him that he has to stay till the dinner is over, I head downstairs to help Jenna.

"Hey, do you need help with something?" I ask her while smiling lightly. 

"Not much but can you cut the vegetables?"


After the cooking is almost done, I go back to her room to clean up and make myself look presentable. Jenna asked me to invite some of my friends over and I invited Luke, Bonnie and Lisa. Both Bonnie and Beth forced me to invite Damon too but I'm not sure if he'll come. 

Soon after the table is prepared the bell rings and I rush to go downstairs. I thought it was that Elijah at first but it's Luke. I hug him and he wraps his arms around me tightly before squeezing me gently. He never hugs me back like this unless something bad happened and he needs comfort. Beth's the same. I will talk to him about it later when we are alone so he'll be more comfortable. 

"Okay, you need to stop, I can't breathe." I chuckle and he smiles. Did I just see Lucas Burton smile?! Oh, God...This seems bad.

"Eyyy, Lucas!!!" Beth shouts as she runs towards him and he moves swiftly to a side and... Ouch?

"Are you o-okay?" Luke says in between his laughs although he wanted her to get hurt. He doesn't like when somebody calls him Lucas and Beth knows that. Yet she can't help herself from teasing him.   

"I hate you." Beth says in a monotone voice that only makes us laugh more. Instead of being angry about it, she bursts into laughter as well when she hears us laughing like maniacs.

"And what do we have here?" A new voice says and we turn to see who it is. The man is undeniably handsome, he's well-dressed wearing a proper suit and although he looks gorgeous in it which part of a casual dinner did he not understand? I don't stare and drool at him but I've seen enough to know that he has a thin but muscular body, short brown hair with hazel brown eyes. His facial features are angular - high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a straight nose. He looks around to be 23 or 24 years old. In simpler words, he is hot. 

"Hey." Jenna walks over and greets him before introducing us. "This is Luke, Beth my niece's friends and this is Elena, my niece."

"And this is Elijah." She says.


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