The Beginning of The End

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Time skip of one month.

Elena started to develop feelings for Damon (she didn't confess to him) but Stefan (who had an idea about her feelings) wanted Elena to know the whole truth so he told Luke and Elena about Katherine and that the brothers were vampires and how they became the creatures of the night.

Luke and Elena pretended to be unaware of the existence of supernatural, and then Elena, persuaded by Luke, became allies with Damon to take Katherine out of the tomb so that maybe they can do something to save Elena with Katherine's help. Katherine however wasn't in the tomb. Elena was consoling the devastated Damon.

Meanwhile, Luke told Beth about the whole scenario and the duo came to the conclusion that Elena's life can be saved using her own doppelganger's tactics.

Bonnie stopped hanging around with Lisa as Lisa has been treating her like shit for a long time and just because they aren't in a relationship, doesn't mean that she can treat her like that.

Caroline is planning on taking Elena down in a upcoming big pageant to get back at her for not forgiving her.

On the other hand, Elijah was impressed by Elena's compassion and kindness. Unaware of her feelings for some other vampire, the original was falling for another Petrova. Again.

While his brother, who at first wanted to dagger Elijah as he had found about his plans of killing him, had long forgiven him because of Elena. Over the four weeks, Klaus and had grown fond of Elena, they weren't in exactly in love but shared a... simple intimacy. That none gave much thought to.

Luke tries to convince Elena to fake her own death and get out of Mystic Falls but she disagrees saying that for her this is her home and she'd rather die early than living the rest of her life in constant fear or become someone like Katherine.

Hey loves! Sorry for the time skip but I really wanted to do it and I just want to thank all of you for paying attention to this book, voting and commenting, it really makes my day and it means a lot<333

Luke's POV

"Elena you're being unreasonable! We have 90 percent chances of succeeding. Why not just give it a try?" Beth is losing her composure and I don't like it one bit.

"Yeah and 99 percent chances of getting Jenna killed in the way." Elena muttered.

Beth takes a long breath trying to hold her anger before continuing.

"Think about it Elena, when I asked you to describe your vision to me so you'll feel better you mentioned that it was on the day of the sacrifice. What if not saving you is what's going to cause it. If we succeed in using Katherine Pierce's strategy, the sacrifice won't happen as it needs you and as a result Jenna won't die." Well she does have a point.

"Guys! Enough! I know it's hard to let go. But you need to let go."

"If you were in our position Elena would you have let go?" I say.

She averts her gaze.

"Thought so." I scoff before getting the hell out of her house. Does she seriously expects us to be okay? I don't care if she wants us to be magically okay, we aren't. And I'm going to stop at nothing to make sure she doesn't die. And I know a certain somebody who will be more than willing to help.

End of POV.

Dear Diary,
                 I told Elena about Damon. I told her about everything she didn't knew. About who I was, and who I am. What she, who shall not be named, made me.

I thought her reaction would be extreme but it wasn't. She was shocked but she handled it well. She wasn't afraid, just curious. I thought maybe the reason why I'm so attracted to her is because she resembles her. But that's not true. The reason why I like Elena is because of who she is not who she looks like.

Yes, it intrigued me at first, how can the two be so similar, but I've learnt that they aren't anything alike apart from their looks.

Elena actually cares about the people around her. Even Damon.

I'm glad to know that my brother isn't completely unredeemable but I'm afraid that he has lost his purpose.


What scares me more is that he may have a new one.

But this time I'm not willing to give up.

I'll protect her.


Stefan Salvatore knew that it was the time to make a move. Before Damon does.

Hey my brother from the same mother.. i may or may not have left the dead body of Zach for you to clean up... P.S. love your dedication for me -your one and only

Stefan sighed at the message. Now was seriously not a good timing. But he made his way downstairs to see the damage caused by Damon's so called heartbreak.


"Dear brother! Long time!" Drunk Klaus walked in the apartment they've been living in to not grab attention until Klaus reaches his full potential. Elijah, who was sitting on the couch, reading Macbeth looked up to see his brother.

"You're drunk." He said like an old housewife who is done with her life, cooked dinner and was waiting her husband to come home but found out that he already has had dinner in office.

"You think?" He was behaving like a teenager day by day. Effects of hanging out with one maybe.

"I have invited Elena to have dinner with us tomorrow. Be on your best behaviour."

"What time?" Klaus asked, pouring blood (from a blood bag) in a glass.

"Dinner-time" Elijah fake smiled and closed his book dramatically before leaving for his room.

"Nothing more entertaining than seeing my brother quote movies and live in the delusion that he is cool." Klaus sighed and smiled as he heard Elijah chuckle on his remark.

Their relationship was nothing like normal siblings and this sudden improvement was undoubtedly because of the brunette.


Hey everyone! Check out my other new book; Once Upon A Time.
It's another TVD/Originals fanfic, you can comment your fav ship below.

Thanks for all your love💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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