Last night

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"Think I need a ginger ale

That was such an epic fail"

I am tempted to tell beth about the Salvatore drama but they aren't worth it. yes, Stefan's a gentleman and the way he gazes at me sends shivers down my spine and makes me feel safe and Damon's that bad boy whose simplest and innocent touch makes me want to do things to him that don't include in the category of innocent. 

And they both are nothing but trouble.

But my kind of trouble.

I don't want to ruin my day by encountering Caroline but that won't stop me from going to school. I can't miss a day of gaining education for her. I go to Jeremy's room to wake him up only to find the one and only Vicki Donovan in there. She's brushing her hair.

"Hey!" She greets noticing me.

"Hi! Have you seen Jeremy?"

"Yeah and loved it. He's in the restroom by the way."

I was about to leave when Jeremy walked in.


"Yeah, I just wanted to wake you up for school and tell you that Beth's here. But you seem pretty preoccupied so Imma gonna leave."

Jeremy has had a crush on Beth for as long as I can remember but with now Vicki in the picture things are gonna get weird. That is, if he makes a move, which I don't he will, and even if he will, Beth's gonna reject him. I know my Bestie.



HEY gurll. i ain't coming to school today. Hangover. tell me if something imp happens. BTW did something happen last night? cuz either ive a really low tolerance and bad memory or u sorta disappeared 

Bonnie texted her brunette Best friend.

HEYYYYYY. Ill send u the notes and gon miss u. Somethin did happen last night but i dont wan talk bout it over text 

K, ill come over round 7 ig we can talk then. tc.

ok. tc. luv u

Elena fixed her hair and makeup one last time before going out to school. Bonnie wasn't coming so she asked Beth to drive her as she wasn't ready to drive yet. 

Her first two lectures were of English and Ms. Kelly was on sick leave and as Elena had reached the school early, she had a lot of time to kill before the next class started.

Elena didn't want to bump into Caroline or Stefan but she didn't want to skip school either. But what she didn't want to happen did and like before as she turned around to head towards the cafeteria, Stefan appeared out of the blue in front of her. 

"I wanted to talk to you about last night." He said in his husky voice. His voice was so easy to listen to. Always sweet to the ears. Elena could listen to him ramble on and on about the history of cupcakes and muffins without ever getting bored.

"Uh. I- It's okay, Stefan. You don't have to..."


"No, it's really okay... I get that I am not your friend, you don't have to explain anything to me." She said. She wasn't mad but she needed Stefan to know that she wasn't completely okay with his behaviour towards her.

She knew that she wasn't someone Stefan should give explanations to or care about. But little did she know how much he cared about her.

"You're right. You're not my friend -yet. But I owe you an apology... I am sorry that I keep disappearing like that. I know it's not normal but- it's... uh. it's a long story about what happened last night and I don't think you would be okay with me talking about someone close to you like that. So, it would be more. uh-convenient if you ask her yourself..." Stefan was trying to choose the right words but he didn't know how to speak to her casually.

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