Dearest Jenna

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She wondered why the hybrid didn't try to compel her or force her. If she escaped, he would have to wait a few hundreds of years more.

Why take the risk?

But it wasn't only Elena who pondered over it.

The ruthless Mikaelson himself was surprised that he agreed to her terms. There was something about Elena that intrigued him. Of course, she had the Petrova fire. All Petrovas do. But she was different. Both Tatia and Katerina would've been scared or nervous but Elena wasn't. She was confident.

Was that a good thing? Or bad? The hybrid couldn't differ.

Her beauty didn't enchant him, he wasn't a fool like his brother to keep being captivated by the Petrova charm. Instead, he was curious. Though the girl was young, she seemed to have a lot of secrets. Klaus wanted to know them. She reminded him of someone he once had loved dearly. Though she certainly didn't look anything like the red-haired maiden who caught Klaus' attention centuries ago, Elena certainly had her personality. She was fierce, strong, confident, and... a mystery.

What could she possibly be hiding?

But at least she wasn't just a sacrifice...she was a puzzle as well. That needed to be solved.

Elena's POV

I just finished explaining everything to Luke and Beth clearly, knowing that they only have vague memories of last night.

"Woah." Was all Beth managed to say while Luke didn't say anything.

"What's the plan?" He suddenly asks. 

"What plan?"

"How are we going to stop this, and save you?" He says and suddenly realization hits him and Beth.

"You aren't going to do anything, are you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Are you crazy Elena? Yeah, he is powerful! So what? You're just going to let him kill you?" Anger washes over his features and I don't know what to say. This wasn't supposed to be easy but I didn't know that making them understand my point would be this hard. 

"It's pointless Luke! He is not like that amateur vampire I saved your brother from! I can't kill him. He is an original. We don't know any way to kill him!" I try to explain and fail. Again.

"So what if he is an original? Beth's a powerful witch, you and I are trained to be vampire hunters and on top of that you're a traveler. There aren't only us! If he is been around for so long, he must have many enemies, which means more allies for us. We can do this." He says the last part softly. 

"Elena. You know if we try, we can defeat him. I can take help from my coven- wait. What is this really about? You know we'll find a way, then why are you being so reluctant?" Beth asks. Ugh, why does she have to know me so well?

"I had a dream-like vision... Jenna died..."I blink away the tears that are forming in my eyes as Beth hugs me and Luke joins understanding the situation.

"We'll find a way, Elena. We always do." Luke whispers softly. 

"I can't let what I saw happen. Please. Don't do anything stupid."


I spend most of the day-time watching movies and reading novels to escape my reality but no matter what I do. My mind keeps wandering off to Klaus. I didn't get much sleep as nightmares of Jenna dying and the sacrifice kept haunting me. 

I'm trying you know. I'm trying to be strong. But it's just hard. And I don't wanna be vulnerable. Not right now.

"Hey. You okay?" Jenna asks me. I'm currently, laying on living room sofa.

Jenna came back to this town to take of my brother and I. She does everything in her power to give us the life we deserve, she gives us parental attention. She tries her best to emotionally connect with us and solve our problems.
She had a choice. To leave us on our own. Or to come and help us after the passing away of mom and dad.
She chose the second.
I can't let anything happen to her.
I can't let someone else die because of me again.
I can't lose her like how I lost mom and dad.
Because of me.
Jenna doesn't deserve any of this.
I stand up from the sofa and go towards her before hugging her tightly. She wraps her arms around me without any hesitation.
"Elena are you okay? You can talk to me you know?" She says soothingly.
"I know... I just feel a bit shaken up... Haven't had a night out from a long time... So side effects I guess." I say chuckling lightly at the last part to convince her.
"Okay... By the way did something happen last night? You guys looked..."
"It was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary." Except a vampire-werewolf hybrid threatening our lives of course.
I smile at her. I'm curious about Elijah though. Maybe I can ask her.
"Hey, I'm just curious. What's up with Elijah?" I ask as normally as I can.
"Nothing new has happened. He just a guy who's helping me with collecting the town's history before the founders and stuff."
"Oh. Okay cool."
"Is something wrong or..?"
"No, it's just that there's something off about him. Be careful."
"I will be." She smiles and I imprint this moment in my mind. To stay with me forever. Even after I'm gone.

End of POV.

Klaus knew what his brother was up to. He never wanted his relationship with his family to come to this point. But he had no choice. He had only daggered them because the chose to disobey and be chaotic.
He didn't kill them, though he knew his siblings already hated him and that they'll never be the same again or in control. Just the thought it felt like betrayal to himself. Perhaps he still had hope. It would take a miracle for his family to be united as one again but a part of him was waiting. Waiting for that miracle to happen.

He wanted power, what he didn't realize is that he had it all along. He struggled, killed and chased many for his desire to create make more hybrids. A family not connected by blood but by his power.
But he had it all along.
Maybe what he really wanted was to be accepted.

To belong.

And at one point, he saw that in her eyes. The same wish.

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