I Wanna Dance With The Devil

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"So you're telling me that you have to kill me for a ritual to completely turn you into a vampire-werewolf hybrid as your mother put you under a curse to keep your werewolf side suppressed and to limit your power to that of an Original Vampire?" Klaus just finished explaining the story of the ritual and why I am here. 

I had to act surprised and shocked to find out that supernatural beings exist and as I almost fainted seeing Klaus drink blood from a girl's neck and suck her dry, he didn't suspect a thing. I would've blown up my cover if it wasn't for my oscar-winning acting skills.

Though I already did know about the supernatural world, didn't know about the curse, me being a doppelganger, and how Klaus was searching for me for centuries. I'm quite flattered, to be honest.


"Okay, I get there isn't a way out of here but I still wonder why am I here?"

"And they say blondes are dumb." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not talking about why I am needed for the ritual, you've already explained that. I'm asking why am I here and why would you explain all these things to me when you're practically warning me? I could find a way out of this. Why would you take that risk? You've mentioned that the night the ritual needs to be performed is three months away, you could've just abducted me a day before. Why warn me. Why now?" I ask.

"You're a curious one." He smirks before continuing.  "And for your answer, I could have done that but it looked like my brother Elijah had other plans. I didn't want to take the riskier option."

"Elijah? as in Elijah Smith? He is your brother?"

"He's using Smith?" He chuckles. "He is a Mikaelson love." 

"What now? Are you gonna keep me and my friends as prisoners here?" I scoffed.

"Bingo!" He turns around to leave but I stop him by calling out his name. I can't move or get up because my hands and feet are tied to the chair I'm sitting on. 


"Let's make a deal," I smirk. 


End of POV.

Elena was about to leave with her friends when Klaus vamp-sped in front of her and interrupted her.

"Keep one thing in mind, if you try to escape, I will kill you  and everyone you've ever met." He threatened her, but she didn't even flinch as if she was expecting something similar to happen for a long time. As if she had been through worse. As if she had struggled so much that the current situation didn't even cause her to frown. With a very neutral facial expression, she rolled her eyes and left without saying another word. 

She got on his nerves. She angered him. But he showed patience. Which was very unlikely.

She knew she wasn't being followed by someone Klaus has sent after her but oddly, she wished she was. 'Cause, she was certainly being followed by someone. 

"Guys." She whispered.

"Yeah?" Answered a sober Beth.

"I think we should go through the forest, I feel as if we are being followed." She said as quietly and subtly as she could. Luke agreed with her but Beth didn't.

"It's a long way and we don't have internet, we could get lost and we've been through enough trouble for one night," Beth mumbled loud enough for both of the others to hear.

 "Look to your right, see that tree." Luke pointed.

"Yeah. In case you didn't know Lucas, forests have trees." Beth said irritated. 

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