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I may have fallen short
Your tools of measurements weren't in tandem either
Short can be elongated
Let me paddle my own canoe.

You may not see my worthiness in your issues
Someone else is more worth you say
We all have times of value
But,let me paddle my canoe.

You will use a ship
I'll do my canoe
You may fly
I'll walk or run
Somehow we all will cross to the land
I'll paddle my canoe to the shore.

I may not be the husband
Not worth your respect
My responsibility part I'll play.
Appreciated or not.
That's my canoe to paddle.

You will confide in them
To you my ears and mind not your class.
Do business with them
Mine not your typo client
Business grow and fall
Its a social capital.
I won't despise
But my canoe I'll paddle

I may not be the best to tell your kins
My best is best to me
Not to your expectations
But not equally talented
I'll kin myself
So,let me paddle my own canoe

You will compare me to them
I'll come last on your comparison
Fingers are not equally
Some are distant ,others short or long
Let me paddle my own canoe

You may not see the man in me
I may be junior
Seniority is not forever
So, let me paddle my own canoe

You may have wanted a master
I turned out a servant
Master cannot become God
But servant can become master some day
So, let me paddle my own canoe

Someday my star will shine
Like a thousand suns
Then the world will praise me
I know I will be someone someday
let me paddle my own canoe.

@kitt kevines

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