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I knew its over
When I slept and woke up to memories that hurt
Clothed in black colors of hurt.
Dark nimbus clouds that shades the sun of happiness.

I knew its over
When we drive hours in pitch silence
She minding her phone
Maybe,keeping tabs elsewhere
A core driver to fault you when you overtake.

I knew its over
When the jewelry she hated on me
Is her new norm
Plastered rings ,
New cologne
Question, whose ?

I knew its over
When silently an implant is cut
When it couldn't be days back
for reasons I had to take charge
Question, who took charge?

I knew its over
That day calls were cut
And hanged up.
Zero texts, zero calls
Cutting communication but maintains elsewhere.

I knew its over
When "our" became "mine" and "your"
When "nanii" became my name
When coldness set in
Freezing my otherwise happy self
Sinking "us" to "me"

I knew its over
When I felt the stress
Stretching my being to
Heights my length couldn't reach
When my shirt hanged on my shoulders
Enough to fit two of me.

I knew its over
When I watched desire jump out my eyes
Into space
Dressed in pajamas of detest
Chanting lullaby of hurt
Smashing an already broken heart.

I knew its over
When this love never became this love.
For in this love my wounds were never healed or nursed,
I stayed with the love,
And when love did come,
It tasted different. Sour.

I knew its over
When, I watched the love change her dress,
into a combat,
Attacking eyes like riffles
White-dark like clouds,
changing her once proclaimed love into pride, arrogance and...

I knew its over
When yesterdays memories and today realities conflicted.
When yesterdays sun and todays rain formed ripples of hurt
When I drowned in her fire
And set ablaze with her steaming waters.

I knew
I know its over

@kitt kevines

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