Chapter 1: WHAT?

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Everybody that had fainted came back conscious with a soft bang. " Where are we?" Tony shouted, a little too loudly. Everyone who saw Tony (minus the Avengers) screamed. "A-are you a- ghost?" Betty shrieked at him. "Wha- What do you mean I'm a ghost?" Tony asked, utterly confused, when he spotted Peter. "PETER!" "Mr. Stark?" "Kid, how did you- WAIT, what're you guys doing here?" Tony growled to a group of people standing with Captain America. "I might ask you guys the same question." Steve gestured to a group of people standing beside Tony. The former AcDc team were watching this interaction closely, unsure of what to do or what will happen.

"Sirs, ma'ams, please just- refrain from fighting with eachother." Everyone's curious eyes turned to the 'kid' that had politely interrupted their quarrel. "Who the fuck are you?" Sam asked, quite rudely. "Peter. Peter Parker." "The kid's right. Stop this quarreling and let's see why we are here." Natasha said quietly. "Tasha's right. Why are we here with a bunch of college kids?" Clint asked. "Oh, they're Peter's class, aren't they, Pete?" Tony exclaimed. The Decathlon class felt a strange feeling of... missing, longing. "Uh, actually-" Peter started, unsure how to explain the situation, but Tony kept going. "Yeah, with your girlfriend and the Ted friend. "It's Ned, Mr. Stark, but actually, I-" Peter once again tried to explain but was once again interrupted, this time by Ned. "I- I'm sorry, Mr. Star- Iron Man sir, but we've never met Peter before.." There was silence.

"W-what do you mean you've never seen Peter before? Aren't you...Ted?" "It's Ned, Mr. Stark, and yes, they have never seen me before. Things got complicated, and.. wait, but how are you here..? Are- are you.. real..?" " What do you mean, how am I here? I get kidnapped a lot, and- Wait m, how are you here You- you... blipped..!" "I-I blipped? Mr. Stark, what year is it now?" " What year- What? It's 2019!" "Mr. Stark.." "Hmm?" " I-Im from 2025." " WHAT?" practically all the Avengers shrieked. "So.. you're from the future Peter?" Steve asked. "Yeah, me and the other students here." "What the fuck is going on, again??" Sam asked. "Language Sam, there are children here!" "So you- are from the- the past?" Betty asked. " Well, it seems like it.." "Excuse me, do any of you guys recall where we are?" Natasha glared. "You guys are acting like children!" " Also, did anyone forget the fact that nobody in his class knows Peter?" "Well, we-" "SHUT UP!" A loud voice rang through the theater. "Peter is almost on a sensory overload!" just as the voice had said, Peter was on his knees, clutching his years and looking horrible. "Everybody shut up!" Tony whisper- yelled. After everyone was calmed down, Natasha threw a very important question. "Who are you, and why have you brought us here?" "You can call me fangirl (sorry I suck at making up names..) , and I guess I should start explaining now..."

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