Chapter 8: Electro & Sandman

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I couldn't find a vid for this.. Sorry for the long wait! Also, Thor is in this fic, I just don't know where for him to comment.. He's still quite depressed from the events of Infinity War..

"This clip is Peter's encounter with some of the villains from the other universes."
"How many?" Tony asked. "About 2."

Peter is shown in a forest with a black and gold suit that shows Ned and MJ. He walks around cautiously. There is a rustle.

"I would tease you for being paranoid, but the way things are looking, I feel like you're doing a really good job." Tony said.

PETER: Did you guys see that?
MJ: Um, no.

"See what? The rustle?" Sam asked. Nobody replied.

NED: It's, it's really dark.
There is another rustle and Peter turns around to hear an owl hooting. Peter let's out a deep breath and stops, eyes widening.
MJ: Peter, what is it?

"Yeah, Peter what-" Clint started.

Electric currents are shown behind Peter.

"Ohh. That." "I love your tingle. Very impressive." Wanda said.

Peter's suit shows Strange's magical ring thing (Sling?).

"Whoa, whoa, what did the wizard do to your suit?" "It's actually the Master of the Mystic A-" Peter started, but cut off when he saw Tony's demanding look. "Basically when I zap the people I'm fighting against they magically turn up in Doctor Strange's chamber prison thing." "How does that even-" Bruce started. "Don't ask."

MJ: Are you getting the tingle thing? Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?

A few people laughed, annoying and 'slightly' mortifying MJ.

Peter turns around and the screen shows a man who is seemingly absorbing electric currents.

"Who is that?!" "That dude looks dangerous." "That's electro." "He has literally zero originality." Tony snickered. "It's almost worse than The Falcon!" Sam let out an offended gasp at that. "Says the man who named himself an Iron Man." Bucky muttered. Now it was Tony's turn to look offended. "Y-" Tony started. The clip started. Tony looked around to wherever fangirl might be with an offended expression.

PETER: Are you guys seeing this?
MJ: Yeah.
NED: Osborn?

"Who's Osborn?" Betty asked. "Green Goblin." Peter ground out, rage in his eyes. Everybody looked at him strangely.

PETER: No, he was green. This guy's blue. Uh, you wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?

"Did you just-" Mr. Harrington said, looking at Peter. Peter grinned somewhat sheepishly. "Way to catch attention.." Clint muttered exasperatedly. Peter glanced his direction, mortified.

MJ: What's he doing?
NED: I don't know. It looks like he's charging.

"No, that just looks like he's electrocutting himself and is seconds away from being burned to a crisp." Tony deadpanned, having recovered from his shock at everybody trying to embarrass him.

MJ: I don't like this. Just web him.
Peter tries to web the man but the magic web just bounces off him, shattering a window. MJ and Ned jumps up, alarmed. Electro's eye glows dangerously and Peter jumps onto a roof to avoid his electric zaps (?).

"OH, no."

Electro keeps zapping and Peter keeps dodging.
NED: Go left, left, go left!
MJ: Wait, right! Right!

"That's confusing." Tony said.

PETER: GUYS! This is not helping!

"No shit, Sherlock."

Peter gets zapped and falls to the ground on fire.

"Are you okay?!" Pepper fussed. "I'm fine. Its not like that's the worst situation I've been in." "That does not make me feel better."

Ned and MJ panics at the screen going black.
MJ: No, no, no, what happened? Peter?
NED: Uh..
MJ: Peter?!
The electric zap comes toward Peter in a blaze of fire and Peter stumbles backward.

Everyone held their breath.

A wall of sand comes between Peter and the electric current, saving him.
PETER: Whoa..
The sand transforms into a man's figure.

"Is the sand also from another reality?" Clint asked. "Yeah. He's sandman." Ned replied. "Well, good to see he isn't trying to kill Peter like the other guys." Tony muttered. Peter smiled somewhat uncomfortably.

SANDMAN: Peter, it's me, Flint Marco. Remember?
PETER: I'm Peter, but I'm not your Peter.

"Great explanation." "What was I supposed to say..?"

SANDMAN: What do you mean you're not my Peter? What the hell is going on?!
PETER: I'll explain everything, but first can you help me stop this guy?
PETER: You try to surround him and I'll pull the plug.

"Good plan." Natasha smiled at Peter. Peter flushed.

Sandman keeps blocking the electric currents while Peter jumps up to the antennas, dodging the zaps.
SANDMAN: I can't hold him much longer! He webs them all up and pulls them, disabling them.
PETER: I got him! I got it.

"Good job." Steve commented. Peter blushed for the thousandth time that day.

Peter falls to the ground. He takes off his mask.
SANDMAN: Different Peter. Weird.
PETER: Thanks.
Peter touches his hand, making it turn into sand and crumple.


PETER: Sorry.
SANDMAN: Don't worry about it.
Electro lands beside them and looks amazed. His body sports an electric glow.
ELECTRO: I got my body back.
PETER: Hey, umm, This is gonna sound really crazy, but this isn't your universe.
ELECTRO: Another universe?

"Yeah, that's gotta be really confusing."

ELECTRO: That's what I was feeling. The power. It's different.
His eye glows electric.
ELECTRO: I like it.

"I don't like the feeling of this." Natasha said. "At least one guy is willing to help Pete out." Tony said. Peter smiled uncomfortably (again).

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