Chapter 5: Interrogation

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The clip that the Avengers are reacting to starts at 39seconds from the video above

"This clip is when Peter gets arrested."

"Thsy arrested you?!" Basically everyone except Ned and MJ shrieked. " Yeah, I mean- I was a 'murderer' then. Still is, but you get the point.." Peter exclaimed. "How the fuck are you so calm??" Cindy asked, incredulous. "I didn't go to jail." Peter shrugged it off.

POLICEMAN: Federal agents! Open up!
May stands up and goes to the door.
MAY: Federal agents? You stay here!
The door is opened, revealing policemen. One of them holds up his card (I'm sorry but I don't know the name). May blocks their way.
MAY: You know the fourth Amendment?

"I don't." Sam said. When everybody stared at him, he said, "What? I'm just trying to diffuse the tension." Everybody's eyes went back to the screen.

MAY: Unreasonable search and seizure?
The policemen ignores her.
POLICEMAN: Let's get in here guys, let's go!

"They just ignored her." Tony said, unbelievably. "You've done something like that too, Tones" Rhody pointed out. "I was very reasonable." Nobody agreed.

Flashes are shown on Peter's things, an electrical device, and the EDITH glasses.

"That's an evidence, kid, how will you explain that that's not your's..?" "If I had hidden it, wouldn't that have looked more guilty?" "True."

Peter is cuffed to a chair with officers on either side of him.

"Is that cuff vibranium, is it able to hold you?" Steve asked. "I don't think it was vibranium.." "so you could've broken free easily?" Betty asked. "Why didn't you?!" Flash exclaimed. Everybody looked at him like are-you-frickin-serious. "Is nobody talking about the fact that the so called 'policemans'-" "Uh, it's actually policemen.." Tony glared at Mr. Harrington."-cuffed a minor to a fucking table?! (I don't know if Peter is 17 or 18 in NWH..) " "I mean, he was a murderer and an illegal vigilante, so.." Natasha said. Tony just fumed.

PETER: I didn't kill Quentin Beck. The drones did.

"They're yours.." Rhody said.

OFFICER: The drones that are yours.

"Exactly." "That was the dumbest explanation I've ever heard." MJ said in a drawling voice.

PETER: No, well..look, Nick Fury was there the entire time. Just ask him and he can explain everything.
OFFICER: Nick Fury has been off- planet for the last year.

"What?!" Everybody screamed. "Then who was-" Everybody looked towards Peter for an explanation but Peter just shrugged.

PETER: What?

"The confusion is so evident." Abe said, chuckling.

May, Ned and MJ walks by with officers escorting them. Peter turns around and spots them.
MJ: Peter!
PETER: MJ! Uhh- They had nothing to do with it, sir!

"Scratch that. This is the worst explanation I ever heard." MJ said. "Did you really think that they would believe you..?" Brad said, a bit jokingly. Peter didn't reply, his eyes glued at May.

May and MJ both points at Peter.
MAY&MJ: Don't say anything, we got a lawyer!

"They realised that your comments are not helping." Tony said, snickering. "Oh son, I forgot to ask, where are your parents?" Millions of cuss words went through Tony's head. Peter turned around. "Yeah, they must be worried." Clint said. "Are they at work?" Scott asked. Tony wanted to strangle the- He jestured frantically at them to CUT IT OUT. Obviously, they did not get the message. Natasha seemed to have realised it though, because she poked Clint in the ribs, hard. "Oh, uh, they- they're- May was my only- living.. relative, yeah, my parents are dead." Nobody noticed the pastence except Natasha, Tony, and Bucky. They all looked at Peter with wide eyes, but brushed it off, Tony reminding himself that it's probably nothing. "Oh! OH, yeah, uh.." Scott stammered. "Oh, um, I'm so sorry. I just-" "Yeah, it's not a big deal. They died when I was 6." "That must've been hard." Wanda said. "Yeah, um," Tony mentally slapped his head a thousand times. Luckily, fangirl rescued them from the endless pit of awkwardness they were digging themselves. "Let's.. keep watching the clip."

MJ is shown in a interrogation room.
MJ: I want a lawyer.
OFFICER: Miss Jones-Watson..
MJ: Jones. I don't go by Watson.
OFFICER: Miss Jones.. Why do you want a lawyer if-
MJ: I have nothing to hide?
OFFICER: Exactly. Unless-
MJ: I'm actually guilty or something?

"Ha, that policeman must be pissed." Sam said. "I'm just trying to defuse the tension!" He said when everyone looked at him again.

MJ: I'm very aware of your tactics and my rights.
OFFICER: Just answer the question.
MJ smiles and waves.

"See, he's getting pissed." "I love how calm you are in that situation." Pepper chuckles.

OFFICER: I've seen your file. You're a smart young woman with a bright future ahead of her. Why would you risk it all by getting involved with a vigilante like Peter Parker?

Peter looks a little saddened. "Because he's awesome." MJ whispers. "And also because Spiderman apparently hypnotised me." She adds. Peter chuckles.

The officer comes inside Ned's interrogation room.
OFFICER: So sorry to keep you waiting. Can we get Ned a snack please? He's been waiting. Dude, I'm so sorry about that.
Ned looks nervous.

"Dude, you look so nervous." Flash said, snickering.

NED: I'm not supposed to say anything to you.
OFFICER: No, Ned, not even a thing. I just have one question. When MJ told you that Peter was Spiderman-
NED: Whoah, whoa, whoa-
OFFICER: What's up?
NED: I knew way before MJ did. I was Spiderman's guy in the chair.

"That doesn't help your case." MJ said, dryly. "I know, it's not a competition, but, I was just trying to, state a... truth.." Ned stammered.

OFFICER: Oh, I know about those. I mean, half the guys have guy in the chairs!
NED: Exactly! I literally helped him find the vulture!
OFFICER: I didn't know that.

"Ted, that's basically just admitting that you did something wrong.." "It's NED, Mr. Stark.." "That's not the point."

NED: I helped him hack a suit once,

"You hacked my suit?" "HE HACKED YOUR SUIT?" "I mean- yeah- but Peter asked me to so-" "So it's all Peter's fault?" "Yeah! I mean- no- but if you look at it that way-" "He's just messing with you, probably." Peter said, looking pointedly at Tony.

NED: -and kinda helped him get to space-
OFFICER: So in Spiderman's illegal vigilanteism, you were his main accomplice?


NED: I would like to have my words stricken from the record.

Many laughed at this. "The look on your face-"

May is shown on screen.
MAY: With all due respect, and I mean that very insencerely, unless you have some specific charges to throw at us, you can't keep us here.

"Your aunt seems very.. intelligent. ..Fiesty." " Yeah, yeah, she was.."
Again with the pastence.

OFFICER: You should definitely lawyer up.
MAY: Excuse me?
OFFICER: Child endangerment is a nasty wrap. The boy was entrusted to you, and as his legal guardian, essentially his mother, you not only allowed him to endanger himself, but actually encouraged it. Who does that?

Peter seemed very angry. The most angry Tony had seen Peter was the time that he took away his suit after the ferry fiasco, but this was more. So much more. Nobody said anything.

MAY: I want to see Peter right now.

"You have great friends Pete.." Tony lightly tapped Peter on the shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, they're great." "The next clip will be about how the multiverse opened!"

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