Chapter 4: Identity revealed

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*All rights of the clips above goes to Marvel*

"Now does everyone believe that Mysterio is the villain?" There were a chorus of 'Yes's. "This what actually happened on the day that mysterio died.

Nobody said anything during the video. After the video, everyone cheered. Steve was the first to speak up. "That's pretty impressive, son." There were a lot of murmurs of agreement around the theater. The Midtown students were awed at how Peter handled a practically invisible person.

"This clip is right when Spider Man's identity was revealed. Let's get into it!"

Peter swings over the city, taking selfies and almost getting hit by a bus.

Many laughed at this scene. " That's so dangerous." Tony muttered. They were all very relieved that this clip started out lighthearted. "Cool!" Flash exclaimed."You take selfies of yourself?" Abe asked, snickering. Peter blushed.

Peter lands in front of MJ.
PETER: Hey, sorry I'm late!
MJ: It's fine.
PETER: You ready?
MJ: Yeah.
PETER: You're gonna love this.

"Not sure I did." MJ said, chuckling a bit. Peter chuckled with her. Some of the Avengers cooed at them, but some (solo Avengers) puked.


Everybody started laughing, and MJ went a bit pink for the first time in forever.

MJ: Okay, okay! OK, OKAY
PETER: You ready? Yeah?
MJ: I'm just not gonna watch, I'm just not gonna watch! I should stop looking! I'm gonna stop looking!
They swing through New York some more and swings down from a lamppost.
MJ: Okay, you can put me down now, you can put me down now!

"That's the first time I've ever seen MJ so frightened." Ned said, unable to help it, getting a few chuckles that were quickly subdued by MJ's glare. "I mean, can't blame her. That does look kinda scary." Clint said. "You're literally a bird themed superhero." Tony pointed out. "So? Doesn't mean I fly."

MJ and Peter lands beside the lamppost.
PETER: You okay?
MJ: Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, let's just- never, never doing that again. I'm never doing that again. Okay.
PETER: I should probably get out of here.
MJ: Be safe.
Peter jumps up onto a lamppost.
PETER: See you later.

"You guys are so cute together!" Pepper cooed. Rhody agreed.

The news screen lights up and a newscaster is shown.
NEWSCASTER: This is breaking news.
Peter turns around.
NEWSCASTER: We come to you with revelations about last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka. Mysterio, moments before his death.
A crowd stops to watch the news.
NEWSCASTER: A warning, you may find this video disturbing.

"He took a video right before his death?!" Clint screamed.

A shaky, distorted video is shown.
BECK: I managed to send the Elemental through the rift but I don't think I'm going to make it.

"What the fuck's he talking about?!" Sam exclaimed.

BECK: Spiderman attacked me for some reason.

"WHAT?" Everybody screamed in unison.

BECK: He has an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology. He says he's going to be the next Iron Man, no one else.
Peter looks at MJ, confused.

"This bitch-"
The camera angle changes.
EDITH: Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties.
PETER: Do it. Execute them all.

"EDITH'S voice is fake." Peter said.

Explosions sound. Crowds are filming the news around MJ.
NEWSCASTER: This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news website
The news screen changes to that of The Daily Bugle's.
J.J.J: There you have it, folks. Conclusive proof that Spiderman was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio, an interdimentional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest hero of all time.
Peter's eyes narrowed a bit.

"Yeah, as if." Tony scoffed, between gritted teeth. "That guy has had it out for Spiderman ever since he appeared." Flash said, angrily, then shut up quickly after he remembered again that Peter Parker was Spiderman and was sitting just a few rows in front of him.

J.J.J: But That's not all folks. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves. You might want to sit down.
BECK: Spiderman's real name- Spiderman's real name is-
The screen cuts off.

"Oh shit."

BECK: Spiderman's real name is Peter Parker!
A picture of Peter Parker comes up on screen. Peter clutches his head, eyes widening comically.

"The suit's eye is pretty impressive." Steve complimented. Tony was too angry to say anything. Normally, he would've boasted at the smallest of compliments. The Avengers were also very angry, but was taken aback at how shocked and angry Tony seemed.


"That's the first time I've ever heard you swear." Tony said, smirking a tiny bit. "That's the first time anyone has heard him swear." Mr. Harrington added. There were murmurs of agreement. "I technically did not swear-" "You technically did. End of discussion." Some people laughed, and some people (all the Avengers) rolled their eyes.

J.J.J: That's right, folks! Spiderman is in fact Peter Parker...
His voice Drones on in the background.
RANDOM MAN: Are you Spiderman's girlfriend?
Peter's eyes widen comically.

"The eyes are very expressive." Bucky said, repeating Steve's statement.

The man repeats himself, and Peter jumps down. The crowd clamouring around MJ gasps.
PETER: Please don't touch her!
The crowd starts murmuring again. Questions are thrown at Peter.

"You seem overwhelmed." Natasha pointed out. "Yeah, I- I was." Peter confirmed.

A woman attempts to touch Peter and MJ, and Peter pushes her away, trying to avoid the crowd. Someone shouts that Spiderman pushed a citizen.

"Seriously? It was the bitch's fault!" Tomy shouted. "That's quite unfair." Bruce agreed, though a bit more politely.

Peter swings away.
MJ: *Screams* I thought you said we weren't doing this ever again!
PETER: MJ, I'm so sorry but I can't see with your hand on my face!
MJ removes her hand.

Despite the situational, many laughed and MJ went a 'bit pink' again.

Screens show Peter Parker labeled 'Public Enemy #1' and lands on a ledge of a building with MJ. Peter calls Ned on his phone.
PETER: Dude,
NED: Dude!

Everybody laughed. "You guys are the literal BEST best friends." This comment got many chuckles. "I'm impressed that MJ is standing there without freaking out. I thought she was afraid of heights..?" Bruce commented. "I am not afraid of heights, I just don't like swinging on frail webs with no safety what so ever." MJ said. Peter seemed offended.

Peter ran towards MJ and the clip ended.

Everybody laughed hard at this. "So, did you get her out safely?" Tony commented, snickering. Peter just groaned playfully.
"I hope this was quite lighthearted, the next one is going to be a bit more serious than this." 

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