Bad idea

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"I'm so hungry!" Rosé rubs her stomach and curls into a ball on the couch. "Then go make food silly." Lisa lightly hit the girl in the arm. "Hey!" "It's fine I'll make something to eat. Do you guys want pancakes or eggs, bacon and toast?" "Doesn't matter, I can eat paper at this point." Rosé said. "Alright then."

The four girls all sat at the table eating their breakfast. Completely forgetting about what happened last night.

Jennie took a big bite out of her toast and guzzled down on her apple juice. "So, what do you guys want to do today?" "At least don't talk with food in your mouth." Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Jisoo I swea-" "Okay, okay! Chill out guys. As Jennie asked before, what should we do today?" Lisa said.

"Let's go to the café down the street! I really feel like coffee and cake right now." Rosé suggested. Jisoo turned to Rosé and smiled. "That's actually a good idea! Okay people, hurry up and eat!"


"Hello, welcome to Coco's! How may I help you?" "Can we get 2 French vanilla coffees, 1 kiwi cake and 1 strawberry shortcake please?" Lisa said with a smile at the cashier. "Sure, that will be $15.00."

Once they got their food they went to a booth in the café to sit at.

Rosé aggressively stabbed the fork into her cake as if she's never had it before. "This is literally the best thing ever!" "I know right, we need to come here more often." Jisoo managed to say with cake in her mouth.

Jennie went to take a sip of her coffee. After, she gently placed it on the middle of the table. But then, it spilled.

She gasped and looked at the spilled drink in disbelief. "What the hell! My coffee! I barley got to drink it!" "How did that even spill? You put it on the table carefully." Rosé gulped. "I know. I don't get it either, I didn't hit it on anything to cause it to fall." Jisoo looked at the girls with wide eyes. "Do you guys think it was..a ghost?" "Please, Jisoo get a grip." Jennie scoffed. "I am dead serious. You all saw that, didn't you? Jennie didn't do shit to make her coffee fall. So explain why it's all on the floor right now?"

After jisoos words, it all hit them with realization.

"Anyways. I'll just go get some napkins to clean this up." Jennie said. "And after this mess is clean we're leaving." Lisa added.

As Lisa said, they all went home right after.

Jennie rushed through the front down and threw herself onto the couch."Okay seriously, I'm still not over about what happened at the café." "Same. It's been bothering me ever since." Lisa sighed.

"You know what, it's not a big deal. Okay coffee spilled. So what? That's the least scary thing that has happened to us in the past 24 hours." Jisoo blurted out. "I thought you didn't wanna bring that up ever again." Jennie tilted her head. "How can I not? I can't pretend like some crazy shit didn't happen. I can't." She ran her fingers through her hair, looking stressed out. "So what are we going to do?" "I have an idea."

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