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"Oh my god! It's about damn time I get out of here! What time even is it?" Rosé went to her room to grab her phone. "4:25pm?! Jesus..." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "I am starving! I need to go get some food."

She put on a light coat and shoes and went out the door and headed to the local convenient store.

"Hmm.. how about some ramen and to drink I'll just get lemonade!" After she went to grab her items, Rosé turned around and accidentally bumped into someone.

"O-oh I'm so sorr-." When she looked at who she had bumped into, she was mesmerized. It was an extremely handsome guy. "Don't be, it's fine." He said with a bright smile. She was still in awe. His facial features were absolutely perfect, his clothing style was right up her alley. She continued to stare for a few more seconds until he chuckled. "How long are you gonna keep looking at me?" "Oh- um. Sorry about that." She smiled awkwardly and walked her way to the counter, as his eyes followed.

"Hi I would like to pay for these." "Is that all ma'am ye-" in the middle of the cashier speaking, the guy from earlier budded in. "I can pay for that." Rosé chuckled at his kind gesture. "You don't have to! Plus this stuff is fairly cheap, I mean we are at a convenient store." "I am aware but, just feeling a little generous. I insist. Please?" She couldn't help but just to allow him to pay.

After the items were paid for Rosé began walking out of the store when she was lightly pulled back by the grip from her wrist. "Hey um. May I ask what your name is?" Her heart was beating fast, there was no way that this insanity attractive guy just asked what her name was! "It's Rosé." She blushed. "That is a lovely name." "Well, may I ask what is yours?" "Jaewon, I know this is all so sudden but, can I get your number?"

Rosé doesn't give out her number to just anyone. As there can be very weird guys out there. But Jaewon, wasn't one of those guys. So she gave in.

"Sure. It's 816 XXX XXX." "Talk to you later!" He waved. Rosé smiled in response and waved back.

Was it love at first sight?

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