I found her

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Rosé began to drive aggressively. Not playing attention to any of the street signs whatsoever. Her main focus was finding Lisa.

Jisoo stretched over to the divers seat and tapped Rosé on the shoulder. "Well? Where are we going?" "There's  this one spot Lisa and I always used to go when we were younger. It's this little creek. We used to sit on the grass and listen to the water. I am 100% sure she's here! This is like her favourite place on earth." "Well can you hurry up!" Jennie shouted. "Can't you see I'm doing that!" Rosé yelled back. "Can you guys chill out with the yelling! Just focus on driving. Alright." Jisoo sighed and fell back on the seat behind her.


"Okay, this is it." Rosé let out a breath. "Let's go."

The three walked up to where the grass. Looking around for their beloved friend.


"GUYS!" Rosé shouted, sounding like she was about to cry at the same time. "I- I found her."

And there Lisa was.

Laying lifelessly on the cold, wet grass.

"No. No this can't be real!" Rosé fell to her knees in front of the body. "LISA!" She shook her body. Squishing her cheeks together. Trying to get her conscious once again. Nothing was working.

Jisoo and Jennie run up from where they were before. In complete shock.

"Oh my god. Lisa." Jennie covered her mouth with her hand. As tears started to fall.  Jisoo went to comfort the two. Also with tears in her eyes. "Who could've done this to her?!" Rosé sniffled. "I have no idea. This makes no sense." Jennie sobbed. "To stab someone, you really had to not like the person. I mean, you can literally feel yourself gabbing the knife into the other person!" Jennie sighed. "I just. Don't get it." "We need to find out who or what did this." Jisoo finally said. Rosé let go from Jisoo's embrace. "Okay but we need to call the police." "Right. Go do that."

Jisoo pulled on her hair in frustration, and sat next to Lisa's body. "Im so sorry we failed on you." She whispered. "Im so so sorry." She put her head down in sorrow. "See you in another life." At this point. She was full on crying. Snot running down her nose and everything. She was an emotional mess.


It's been a week since Lisa's death. The girls could not live the same. Could not act the same since then. The traumatizing image of her bloody wounds, stuck in their memory forever.

They never left their house after that either. The three have been at home mourning.

Jisoo walked up to Rosé's bedroom door and knocked. "Hey." She said quietly. Rosé covered her head with the blanket she was wrapped up in. "What Jisoo?" She said in an annoyed tone. "Are you doing okay?" She slowly walked into the room. "No. I'm not. And I know you're not okay either." "Yeah. But at least I'm trying. At least I'm making an effort to try to feel better and not just drowning in sadness." Jisoo raised her voice. Startling Rosé. But she didn't respond. "I just wanted to check up on you." Jisoo sighed then left to the living room.

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