It's over

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By now, it's night time. The two girls were sitting on the living room couch watching a movie on tv.

"Rosé. Can we please just change this movie? It's unbelievably boring." She tried to grab the remote out of Rosé's hand but she quickly jerked her hand away. "No! We aren't changing it." She crossed her arms. "My house my rules! So give me the dang remote!" Seulgi got on top of Rosé and began to wrestle her. They looked ridiculous.

"Ugh! Fine! You have it now. Happy?" Rosé accepted her defeat. "Yes! Very happy." She gladly changed the movie, until there was a knock on the door.

Seulgi looked at Rosé and motioned her to go into her room. "Jesus... who is at the door at this time anyways?" Then it knocked again. "Alright I'm coming!" She called out, Seulgi opened the door to see 4 police officers standing. "Um.. uh hello." "Hi. You most likely have heard we are going around the neighborhood and checking houses in hopes of finding Roseanne Park."

Seulgi felt like evaporating into the air. "I-I don't think that's necessary! I mean, don't you guys need a search warrant?" One of the officers reached in his pocket and pulled out a warrant. "We have one. Therefore we have a right to come in."

And just like that, they let themselves in and began to look around.

She was in a full on panic mode at this point. Pacing back and forth, running her fingers through her hair. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! That's it. I'm going to jail, Rosé's going to jail. My life is over." She threw herself onto the couch and simply just sat there. She didn't try to make up any excuses because there was no point. It was over.

"You guys seen anything yet?" "No not yet. I think you guys should check the rooms I'll keep looking around out here." Little do they know, Rosé was hearing their entire conversation. She immediately went and hid underneath the bed and stayed as quiet as she could. Even trying to breathe less so it wouldn't make such a noise.

Suddenly she heard the door open. She was the most scared she has ever been. She tried to control her breathing to best she can. "Hmm I should look in the closet first." He opened the closest to just see clothing. Nothing intriguing. He closed it then continued to search the room. Looking in corners, lifting up blankets and other objects. Until she saw his feet stoped infront of the bed. Her heartbeat was so fast, it felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

She put her head down and tried to cover her face. The officer looked under the bed.

"Well what do we have here?" He laughed to himself and at that moment, Rosé knew it was over for her. "Get out right now. He stood still and had his hands on his hips. "You stay right there. You're not going anywhere." "Guys! Found her!" He called out, in the matter of no time the others rushed into the room to see the scared girl. Standing in and guilt. "You're under arrest for the murder of Yang Jaewon and Kim Jiwoo." They forcefully up her into handcuffs, while one of the other officers got Seulgi as well.

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