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Loud banging noises started coming from
Rosé's bedroom. The girls looked completely pale. "What is that?" Jisoo choked out. "I- I don't know." Rosé gulped. "I'm going to see what it is." Jennie pushed herself between the two and went up to the bedroom door.

"Jennie! What the fuck are you doing?!" Jisoo scolded. "I said I'm going to see what this is. We can't let whatever this thing is, think it's more powerful than us. We need to show that we aren't scared."

The others didn't get a chance to answer, Jennie kicked the door open and saw something unbelievable. It was a man. But, he looked like a zombie. And he seemed to be see-through. He was hitting on Rosé's desk with a hammer. While staring in the direction of the door, with a slight grin on his face. Jennie screamed loud as ever at the sight she was seeing. Since Jisoo and Rosé where behind Jennie, they saw everything. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Jisoo yelled. "WHY ISN'T IT MOVING? "WHAT? DO YOU WANT IT TO MOVE?" Rosé screamed. "Well... no." Jennie was silent. She became completely frozen in her tracks. "What do we do? Jisoo whispered. I don't kn-" "IT'S COMING TOWARDS US! GUYS RUN."

The girls dashed downstairs or the living room. "What do we do? We have a damn zombie ghost demon thing in OUR HOUSE following us!" Jennie whispered in an aggressive tone. "Um. How about we hide behind the couches." Rosé suggested. "Yeah let's go, hurry!" They all rushed and sat down. Making sure to not make a sound.

The creature began to walk down the steps of the staircase very slowly. He had the hammer waving around in his hand. In a taunting way.

"He's coming." Jennie whispered. "You don't think we know that!" Jisoo whispered back.
"Oh my god, what are going going to do?" "We are all going to stay here."  Jennie rolled her eyes and continued to sit down silently.

The man finally made it to the living room. He hit the walls with his hammer repeatedly. Creating a few dents. He walked around peeking through the corners, hoping to find the three girls. Until he did.

"AHH!" Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé immediately jumped up from the ground and ran away.

"WHAT DO WE DO!?" "Um. Let's just.. get something to hit it with." Rosé suggested. Jisoo squinted her eyes. "How the hell are we going to hit a ghost?" "COME ON! Just try! You ever know and this is an emergency!"

So, Rosé got to the kitchen and got some pots and pans. While Jennie and Rosé tried to hide on another area.

Because she got so many pots and pans in her hands at once, they were falling on the floor. Over and over again. "Oh my gosh, I can't fucking stand this!" She kicked the pots aside and went with the one pan she managed to still have.

"I'm coming for you! You psycho zombie bitch!"

She searched around the house with the object waving around in the air. Until she finally saw the man standing in the middle of her bedroom. "Hey!" He turned around. He slowly turned towards the girl and slowly walked up to her. Although she was acting confident, she was still scared. She stared to back up and eventually hit the wall behind her. "Okay, I really need to do something right now. Before this thing gets me." She said to herself.

Rosé finally got the pan and went up to the zombie man and smacked him multiple times.
Until he fell to the ground. "Huh. Why is this guy transparent looking but fully solid." Suddenly Jennie and Jisoo came up from behind the corner and saw the scene in Rosé's room.

Jennie and Jisoo's mouths were wide open. In complete shock. "Oh my god Rosé." Jennie said. "Did you.. just do that?." "Yeah. And we need to get this thing out of here." She said while panting.

The Last One Standing  • BLACKPINKWhere stories live. Discover now