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The girls both enjoyed their noodles, soup and rice. The food was so delicious the two were slurping loud. "This food is better than usual." Rosé said while stuffing her face with rice. "I know right, we aren't going to have any left over!"

Both Jisoo and Rosé continued their day with watching movies, playing overwatch and obviously eating some more food.

When it came time for them to sleep, Rosé tucked Jisoo into bed. You could've sworn Jisoo was the younger one. After doing so, she sat in the corner of her bed. She stayed there for some time just thinking. Taking in all that has happened to these girls. "Oh jisoo." She whispered. "I don't know what I would do without you." She sighed and got up from the bed and went over to her own room.


"Good morni- Jisoo? Jisoo? Where the heck is this gir-" Rosé turned around to see a bloody scene.

It was the most gruesome thing she has ever scene. Her body was pinned to the bedroom door. With long, sharp knives. As if it was thrown at Jisoo like darts.

Rosé's heart started to beat rapidly. "Oh- oh my god! I NEED TO CALL THE POLICE!" "She didn't have time to fully realize the situation. Her mind was completely set on getting help as soon as possible.

911 what's your emergency?
M-my friend is dead! I found her pinned with knives to the door, PLEASE HURRY!
Alright I will get the ambulance on the way, what's the address ma'am?
837 floral sun street

She ran out of the bedroom and sat on the couch and sighed. "I don't know what to feel right now. God. I. I am alone." She began to tear up. "I lost all of my fucking friends! I HAVE NOTHING LEFT!" She stuffed her face in the palms of her hands and sobbed. Until her eyes became red.

She got up to go to the bathroom to wash her face. While her face was facing down towards the sink, the lights went out in the entire house. "What the heck." She turned around and tried to open the door but, no luck. "Are you kidding me right now?" The sound of the broken glass caused her to turn back around. The mirror was shattered. Just enough where you can still somewhat see your reflection.

A figure appeared.

Rosé jumped back at the sight. "Wh- what is that?" Her breathing increased at a faster pace, her palms became sweaty.

The figure moved up closer as it grinned.

Rosé couldn't take it anymore. She turned around and made an attempt to force the door to open. She kicked, banged, and wiggled the door knob all around and nothing was working whatsoever. "Get me out of here! LET ME GO!"

"Stop that."  The figure finally spoke up. Rosé looked back in disbelief. "I need you to listen." "WHAT OR WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"I am Bloody Mary."

The Last One Standing  • BLACKPINKWhere stories live. Discover now