*Mrs. Pool*

19 1 0

August 11, 2019

7:37 am

Faintly, "Take on Me" rolls through my mind.

Slowly learning that life is okay...

She lands like a dream. God Fury knows me too well. This jet is breathtaking, not just aerodynamically but technically too. I squealed when I found the cloaking mechanism.

I blame Wade, him and that damn song. Moving the headset to rest around my neck, I find Nat watching me.

"Are you sure about this? More red in your ledger?" She asks quietly.

Honestly, the amount of blood on my hands is something I try to not think about. There's far too much. I doubt even the devil himself knows the exact count that weighs on what's left of my soul. Not sure there's one even left, the devil probably found a way to take that away too.

"Nat, a longtime ago I stopped worrying about it. Never will it wipe out. Fuck, I can't even remember how many I did for him. Maybe it's for the best. But I know Hydra needs to fall."

She lets out a harsh chuckle, and looks out the window, "You got a point, though after this we should do something fun." Looking back at me she smiles before leaving me in the cockpit.

Something fun sounds nice actually. Maybe it's time I stopped leaving a bloodbath wherever I go.

"Well, Fantasma, it seems you are even a puzzle to yourself." Zemo comments from behind me. I could smell his way too expensive cologne from a mile away.

"Doesn't that make me a more dangerous opponent?" I argue and he chuckles. Standing, I find him already making his way off the jet.

"See that's where many make a mistake, assuming you know their enemy." He calls as he steps off.

The cold air bites at my cheeks when I step off to the tarmac. Already Dopinder's bright yellow taxi van sits with him and Wade talks quite animatedly. Bucky and Nat are a safe distance from the two and Zemo watches from afar.

Standing by his side, he briefly glances at me before going back to his people watching. "Get it over with."

"It?" I question.

"Subduing me. You're not foolish enough to show me the location of this hideout." His face gives nothing away but I appreciate his calmness. Panic can be so annoying.

"Give me your hand." He only hesitated briefly before following my command. Using my thumb and pointer finger, with ease I pinched between his thumb and pointer hitting the pressure point. I continue to hold it and ease him to lay on the ground.

"Wade! Bag and tag!" I shout and he whoops in response. As he gathers zip ties and cloth bag, I reach into one of my many coat liner pockets and produce a mild tranquilizer. Squatting, thank god I still have my gloves on, I pop open his mouth and shove the small white pill under his tongue. Wade appears, excitedly, as I stand up.

"Mrs. Pool!" a voice shouts, looking I see Dopinder waving me over excitedly.

"Dopinder! Tell me you've been keeping the crime rate up while we were gone!" He nods frantically and Wade elbows him.

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