Chapter 1

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*Calum's Point of View*

It is my first day of my senior year and I'm not looking forward to it. I walk in with Michael, my electric blue haired, best friend. We had met in my freshmen year of high school. We met in General Music, our favorite class. We almost instantaneously became best friends.

But this year it looked like we didn't have any classes together which was a disappointment. We both love to make fun at our teachers that we had together. But I guess we could always gossip at lunch which was the only period we have together.

I said my goodbye to Michael before making my way to my first period class, School Band. Now it isn't like Marching Band, no it's like this giant punk rock band like Green Day. I was one of the three bassists, which I was luckily enough to make into.

Walking into the class I noticed something different. The usual teacher Mr.Styles wasn't here. It was some teacher who looked about 23 or something. He has long curly hair that was pushed back into a man bun, that Mr.Styles also rocked, but this dude looks 10x better in it than Mr.Styles does. His hair is a light brown, dark blond color and his eyes are this greenish hazel color that is mesmerizing. He is only about an inch shorter than me, but the amount not scruff on his face made him look 20 years older than me.

I quickly walked to the instruments wall and picked out my bass and walked back to my seat. After everyone had gotten their instruments and had taken their seats the substitute teacher began to speak.

"Hello everyone. I am Mr.Irwin." He said. His voice is so warm stern. Typical for substitute teachers now-a-days. "As you may or may not know, I am now your School Band teacher. I will not tell you what happened to Mr.Styles but let's just say he had a little mid life crisis and needed to step down for a while. So for this year I will be your teacher." As the words he spoke came out of his mouth the entire class groaned, except for me. I didn't groan or complain. There was something intriguing about this teacher. I think I might actually like this teacher, but let's not get ahead of myself.

"All right class lets get down to business." Mr.Irwin says as he picks up 2 percussion mallets and makes his way over to the drums.


Lunch came around quickly luckily. I wanted to tell Michael about Mr.Irwin since Michael will have him next period, I also wanted to tell Michael about the new girl that is apparently roaming the school. Michael loves to "deflower" the new students in the school. No matter boy or girl. He came out as bi sexual in 7th grade so we were all pretty clear that he liked both díck and vägina.

"Hey Michael," I call him as I run towards him. He was standing on the line to get pizza, Michael's favorite. "So I gotta talk to you about a couple things." I say before Michael cut me off.

"Yea me too." He says smirking, causing something to automatically click in my head. "I just had some of the best sex of my life Cal." Yup. I knew it, I just don't know who he had this 'mind blowing sex' with. "It was with that new girl Alex? I think. I don't remember her name." He says laughing. "But anyways what did you want to talk to me about Calum?" He says as he pays the lunch lady and takes his pepperoni and banana pepper pizza and begins to walk towards our table.

"Well you already know about the new girl." I laugh patting Michael on the back. "But next period you have band right?" I ask, he nods indicating he does indeed have band next. "Okay well there is a new teacher." I tell him causing his jaw to drop revealing the chewed up pizza that resided in his mouth. "Yea his name is Mr.Irwin, and he is sorta hot." I inform him.

No one really knows about my sexuality except my family, Michael and my ex-boyfriend who had broken up with me before school started because he didn't want to come out to the entire school.

"Well damn say that any louder and you might have everyone know that you' know...G-A-Y." He says looking around making sure that no one was listening into to our conversation.

I laugh at his being overprotective. We are both like that when it comes to our secrets. We protect them with our fucking life. "It's okay Michael. I am thinking of coming out to everyone soon." I say smiling towards him. "I just need to find a way how."

"Maybe you could take a picture of you sucking a díck and then post it on the school website." He says laughing.

"Yea okay Michael, and while I'm at it I'll upload your sex tape with Kyle from freshmen year." I say sarcastically. He widens his eyes in shock that I would even bring that up.

"Bro you wouldn't."

"Bro I would."

"Okay no díck pic, but find some hella gay way." He says slowly regaining confidence in himself after I brought up the sex tape.

The bell rang and Michael and I had said our farewells and made our ways to our last classes before meeting up in the front of the school so I could drive him home.

"So you were right." Michael says as we begin to walk out of the building. "Mr.Irwin, is really hot." He says causing me to laugh.

"I told you!" I say excitement clear in my voice. "But don't get any smart ideas Michael." I say scolding him for probably thinking of ways he could improve his grade in his class.

"Like what? And why? Do you have dibs?" He says making us both laugh.

"Yes I do have dibs" I say as we finally reach the car. "And plus I saw him first so therefor he is mine."

"Okay Calum, go ahead you've only given one blow job ever and you think you could please a 24 year old?" Michael laughs at me.

"Actually I can. Wanna see."


A/N: so next chapter some low key Malum. Which I don't ship. I really don't ship Michael with anyone in the band, except with Luke. But that's just a little bit so yea. So as you can see there is already some low key Cashton going on.

guys if you wanna watch some 5sos edits I have a vine account where I make some..not v good but they're okay. And i also revine some nice ones so go follow me on there : whoa calum

But anyways Vote, Comment and add to your library cause I might be updating this more so ayy.

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