Chapter 5

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*Calum's Point of View*

I let Mr.Irwin open the door for me like the gentlemen he is, I then enter the building before him and wait for him to pass me and lead me to his apartment.

It's funny how obvious he wants me, first in detention with his hand on my thigh, and now when he is inviting me into his apartment. But it's not like I'm complaining though. I want him just as much, and that's why I accepted going to his apartment, so maybe something could happen.

He begins to walk up the stairs his butt looking fan-fúcking-tastic in the gym shorts he is wearing. He also looks hella hot when all sweaty, this slightly got a rise out of me, but luckily I am wearing skinny jeans so he can't notice unless he does something super séxy, like I don't know, take off his shirt, or pants...

We finally reach his apartment door when he finally does something, he begins to take off his sweaty shirt and opens his door, he walks in and holds the door open for me. He puts his hand on my back as he walks me to his bedroom.

Before he opens his bedroom door he excuses himself and enters another room and returns within seconds, without his shirt in his hand, meaning he had probably put it in the wash.

"Oh I'm sorry for the mess by the way Calum." He says causing shivers to be spread down my spine, the way he says my name gives me goosebumps. Mr.Irwin opens the door and walks in, me following after him. "So you can sleep in here if you want and I'll go sleep on the couch." He says smiling then beginning to leave the room.


"Call me Ashton." He says smiling.

"Okay," I say blushing not knowing how to act around him. "Ashton this is your room you should sleep in here." I say grabbing his wrist not letting him leave.

"But then where will you sleep Calum?" He asks me. I think about it for a while before deciding that the best option is in the same bed as Ashton. I motion to the bed and smirk. "Oh," he says blushing yet smirking at the same time. "That's fine, I guess, if it's okay with you."

Ashton begins to undo his jeans and this makes my member go absolutely crazy, there is no way I could take off my pants without letting him know how insanely hórny he made me. Ashton is now just in his underwear, his blue and black striped underwear that is held tight against his skin making his pénis outline very defined.

"Calum are you gonna be sleeping in your clothes?" He says laughing as he climbs into his bed. I smile at him and shake my head. I take off my shirt revealing my toned tan body and then walk over to the bed and sit down on the opposite side of Ashton and remove my pants.

"Close your eyes." I say feeling slightly embarrassed, my member is still erect but he hasn't seen that, and I don't want him to know about it.

"Why?" Ashton asks laughing at me.

"Because you don't need to see my half naked body," I say still not facing him. "Close your eyes.

There is a silence for a while. "Are you getting in bed?" Ashton says laughing once again. "My eyes are closed you can get in bed." I smile before turning around and slipping into the bed facing Ashton.

"Goodnight Mr.Irwin." I say smiling. Ashton opens his eyes and smiles back at me.

"Goodnight Mr.Hood." He says. I flip over and face the opposite way and stare at the wall smiling thinking about how I'm in a bed with Ashton Irwin, my teacher, Mr.Irwin. And I couldn't be happier. Right as I'm drifting into a deep slumber Ashton grabs my waist and pulls me into him and himself into me, causing us to be in a cuddling position.


I wake up and see Ashton all dressed up in a button up shirt and black jeans, he also is wearing black boots that look like doc martens but I can't tell.

He looks over at me as I sit up and rub my eyes. "Hey sleepy head." He says smiling, making his dimples shown. His smile is so perfect, it's so big and it never seems to disappear. "You need to get up we're gonna be late to school." He says still smiling, walking over to my side of his bed and ripping the covers off of me revealing my almost naked body.

I cover myself up with my arms and playfully scream. He laughs at me and moves my arms and pins me down, now making a serious yet playful face. He leans in a moves his lips against mine in a teasing manner, before I move my head away.

Ashton then removes one of his hands off my wrists and then places it around my face and makes me stare him in the eyes. He then smashes his lips against mine, our lips moving perfectly in sync.

"Ashton," I say turning my way away from the kiss. "I think we should get ready for school and you for work." I push his legs off the bed and remove his other hand off my wrist and get up and make my way to my clothes that are laying on the floor.

"You can wear some of my clothes, like a shirt if you don't want to wear the same shirt as yesterday." Ashton says, you can here the disappointment and sadness in his voice. I turn around and face him and nod, he fake smiles at me and goes through his drawers and picks out a maroon Nirvana sweater and threw it to me. "You'd look hot in this." He says really smiling again.

I slip it over my head and smile at him, it may be a fake smile, but it is still a smile. I then walk out of his bedroom slipping on my shoes and make my way to his front door. "Bye Mr.Irwin." I say before closing the door and probably to never return.


A/N: so i know this isn't up on Sunday but yesterday was Father's Day so I didn't update, so I updated today! Really late but w/e suck it up

So there is Cashton here!!! But only briefly:( but there will be more soon, you'll just have to see how Ashton and Calum feel about each other in the next chapter.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Cause cashton and if you didn't I will feel really offended and attacked.

guys if you wanna watch some 5sos edits I have a vine account where I make some..not v good but they're okay. And i also revine some nice ones so go follow me on there : whoa calum

But anyways...

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