Chapter 15

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A/N: omg this story is half way over...


*Calum's Point of View*

The only reason I had woken up today, is because Mali screamed. I would be fast asleep right now if it wasn't for Mali. But I open my eyes and groan because my sister decided that it's cool to just scream really loudly at 9:30am on a Saturday. Like this is my catch up on sleep day, gosh.

I lazily climb out of bed and walk over to my closet and pick out my Santa Cruz tank top and throw it over my body. I then walk over to my dresser and casually pick out one of my many jeans, that are all the same basically. I then look up at my mirror and try and fix my hair. Or at least make it look more presentable. After I completely fix myself I head out of my room and down the hallway to see Mali jumping up and down screaming in joy, and my mom staring at piece of paper that must have come in the mail yesterday.

"What's up?" I ask rubbing my eyes. It's so early I don't even know why they are both up. I would've thought they would want to sleep in their own beds before Mali has to go back to the U.S. for college. Mali didn't answer my question, she just continues to jump around and dance around like a crazy fangirl. Neither does my mother. She just stares at that piece of paper.

I grab the paper that my mom is blankly staring at and begin to read the paper.

"January 16, 2016

Dear Ms.Hood:

I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Performance Arts program in our Music Department for the late admission for the Winter 2016 semester."

After that it is all personal information which only Mali needs to know. I quickly drop the paper on the near by coffee table and pull Mali and my mom into a hug. "This is so great Mali," I say happy for my big sister. She has been such a great person and I'm so happy she gets to do something that is gonna make her this happy. "So when do you have to leave?" I ask her letting go and smiling at both her and my mother.

"Uhm," She thinks a bit before picking up the Acceptance Letter again and taking a look. "According to the paper we would have to leave..." She looks up and down the paper before speaking again. but before she speaks her face turns pale. "January 23rd." She says uncomfortably.

"Two days before my birthday?" I yell shocked. "And mom I'm assuming you're going with her to help her move into her new place in the states." I say, now focusing my anger on my mom. She just looks at me like she doesn't even know what to say. "Well just fúcking great," I spit. "Happy 18th Birthday to me." I say before walking over to the front door and slipping on my pair of flip flops. "I'll see you guys later." I say, anger very much noticeable in my voice. I hear Mali call out after me but I just slam the door behind me and begin to walk to the one person who I know who can make me feel better.



I arrived at Ashton's around an hour ago and all we have done is cuddle. Well I've cried and Ashton helped calm me down. He is a really good boyfriend. I honestly have no idea where I would be if he wasn't here. Actually I would probably be at Michaels...

But that's besides the point.

I love Ashton and I'm so happy he is mine. "Finally calmed down baby." Ashton says kissing the top of my head and rubbing circles into my side. I nod, smiling, I look up at him and kiss his lips. "I love you Calum Thomas Hood," he confesses. "and if you ever need anything, I'm here and I want you to know that Cal."

I playfully push myself off of my boyfriend. "You're only saying that because I have séx with you." I jokingly say while playfully slap his arm. He turns his head and shrugs his shoulder like he was actually thinking about it. "Ugh you're such a fúckbòy." I say pushing him and leaving the couch we were cuddling on and walk over to his hallway. "Speaking of séx.. Do you wanna?" I say smiling hopefully.

"Yes please!" Ashton says eagerly quickly getting to his feet. He then grabs my hand and pulls me into his bedroom. "I love you." He says kissing me passionately. I break our kisses so I can jump onto his bed. I get on my knees and begin to kiss him again. "You're so perfect Calum." Ashton says as he begins to kiss jawline and my neck. Pulling himself away he takes off my shirt leaving my whole upper body for him to kiss and make love bites.

But before Ashton could leave anymore kisses onto my body there is a loud knocking on Ashton's front door. Ashton groans has he throws off his Green Day t shirt and pulling away from me and telling me that he'll be right back. Ashton runs down the hall and opens the door. I can't hear the entire conversation but this is what I got from it:

Ashton as he opens the door: hey im trying to have really good sex so could you please stop by later.

Ashton: my boyfriend?

Ashton: I'm 23 and a teacher...

Person: Calum's my brother.

Now that's when I run over to Ashton. And standing next to him is the one person I really don't need to know who I'm dating. Mali-Koa. Fucking great. "Oh hi Mali." I say awkwardly scratching the back of my head. "I see you met Ashton, my boyfriend.."

"Calum Thomas Hood." She says. But before she could start yelling at me in the hall I pull her into Ashton's apartment. "You're sleeping with your teacher!" She yells at me once she is inside the apartment. I nod shyly with a fake smile plastered onto my face. I now know how much I've fucked up here. "Oh my god Calum! You do this just for good grades?"

This question slightly irritated me. Along with Ashton, he grew tense when she asked that question. "No!" I say defensively. "I love him!" I say causing Ashton to smile and shock spread across Mali's face. "Mali please don't tell anyone," I change my tone, it went very serious and slightly angry to despreate and a little sad. "Mali please, we can't be together if you tell anybody." I beg my sister. "I love him Mali please.

My sister looks at Ashton before looking back at me. "Fine." She says in defeat. "I won't tell anybody about your relationship." She says sternly looking at me with disappointment and a little disgust. "But I have some conditions." She says looking at Ashton. He simply nods saying that that's okay. "1.If you dare hurt my little brother I will have you arrested faster than you can say 'Calum'." She says sternly, still focusing on Ashton. "2.You will understand that I am not supportive of this relationship." Ashton shrugs clearly not giving a crap. "And 3.If and when you two break up, Ashton you must transfer to another school to teach so Calum won't have to deal with you." After this condition Ashton hesitates a little bit but after awhile he finally nods his head in agreement. "Okay good. Calum lets go home." She says looking back at me and grabbing me by the shoulder and pushing me out of the apartment.



Also I know its so short ugh i cry


I'll post a picture of my outfit for the concert so if you see me come and say hi!

So guys I was wondering...should I start a rant book? Cause I want to but idk if you guys will read it and I don't want to start it if you aren't gonna read it and help me out with my problems.

But okay let's talk about the ff now...

It's half over... I have the rest of the story planned out so that's a plus

also now Mali knows about Cashton. So how do you think that's gonna go down???

That is actually a very important part so keep that in mind. Just always have that in the back of your head....Mali knows about Cashton....

Anyways I have pizza waiting for me so I must go and eat I'll see ya'll later.

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Love you lots!

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