Chapter 4

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*Ashton's Point of View*

I began to slowly move my hand up Calum's leg. I know it's wrong to have any sort of relation with a student, but I can't help it. Calum is different. He is hot, he is smart, musically talented, and from what I hear, gay and great in bed.

"Mr.Irwin I think you should move your hand..." Calum whispers, clearly feeling uncomfortable with my advances. I nod and lift my hand off Calum's thigh, causing him to take a deep breath and make me feel slightly disappointed. "I think we should just focus on the bass..Sir." He says smiling at me. I nod at him and get up out of my chair.

"Excuse me Calum I must go to the bathroom." I had to think of an excuse to leave him and relieve my member. I quickly readjust myself causing both Calum and I to look down at my bulge in my jeans.

"Oh." Calum says slightly laughing. I blush and run off the bathroom very much embarrassed. Calum Hood the boy I just tried to have sex with on my desk saw my bulge that he was able to give me and laugh at me.

I lock myself in a bathroom stall and I unbutton my skinny jeans. I then pull down my navy green boxers and wrap my hand around my member, causing me to groan slightly. I began to pump my member, making me bite my lip.

All I am thinking about is Calum. Calum's black hair with the blond streak through it, and how I would love to just grab it as I enter him or when he enters me. And his chocolate brown eyes and how I would stare dead in them as I release inside him or all over him.

These thoughts quickly make me release inside my boxers, luckily enough I was able to aim it into my boxers.

I put my boxers and jeans back on and fix myself before walking back into the class room where Calum sat playing with his hair, still with the bass in his lap. "Back Mr.Irwin?" He says smirking. That little shít. He knows exactly what kind of power he has over me now.

"Yes," I say smiling at him, walking back over to my desk. "And you are free to go." I say getting to my work and grading my 5th periods music sheet quiz.

Calum calmly walks over to my desk and places both hands on either side of the desk. "Okay Mr.Irwin," he says in a seductive voice, he is doing all of this on purpose. He is doing all of this to try and get a rise out of me. But I'm not gonna let that happen. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says walking away moving his perfectly sculpted áss on his way out to tease me, causing me to groan once he closes the doors after leaving.


Waking up is probably my least favorite thing to do. Especially when I have to go on a jog at 3 to stay in shape. I slouch my way over to my dresser and pull out a black muscle tank and grey gym shorts and put them on. I also grab a red bandana and slip that around my head before leaving the house to go for my jog.

The sun hasn't risen so the street lamps are still on, which is my only way of seeing besides the flashlight on my phone. As one of my favorite songs on my phone begin to play I bump it up so it is the only things I can here. It's Demon's by Imagine Dragon's. This song just pumps me up. Gets me in a good mood.

I finally make it back to my apartment complex and stop jogging and start walking to my apartment. I slip out my keys and go to unlock my apartment buildings door but my key slips out of my hand.

"Oh hey let me get those for you." A strange voice says. A body comes rushing towards me and bends down to pick up my key. The person stands up and hands me the key.

"Thank you-" I see who the person is. The person who ran over to pick up my key is, Calum. Calum Hood from my first period School Band class. "Calum?" I say in shock never seeing him in my apartment buildings before. "You live here?"

He smiles and nods at me. "Yea I just moved in, apartment 115 I think." He says smirking.

Fúck the one student I actually like in a sexual, inappropriate manner, moves into my apartment building. 2 doors down.

"Okay," I say awkwardly scratching my head. "Why are you out here so early?" I ask him realizing it's now about 5 am and Calum is outside.

"We'll see I forgot my keys and I came down here to get something from my moms car." He says, fake smiling, meaning he was lying. He probably went to some party or something, but I'm not here to judge.

"Well you're welcome to stay in my apartment and I'll drive you to school in the morning if you'd like." I ask, knowing it's illegal for me to do this but my heart and my pénis beat my brain and ask him anyways. "And I won't tell your parents that you snuck out."

He smiles at me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "That'd be great Mr.Irwin."


A/N: GUESS WHATS HAPPENING NEXT CHAPTER! Maybe some high key Cashton, maybe some really bad Cashton smut!! Who knows. I don't cause I haven't written the chapter yet so lmao.

Okay so I'm gonna have certain days I'll update this. Those days will be Sunday and Wednesday. Is that good with you guys? Cause if it's not I can change it.

I'm also on summer break so yasssss 3 months with nothing to do, so this may come out more than normal!!! So ya!

guys if you wanna watch some 5sos edits I have a vine account where I make some..not v good but they're okay. And i also revine some nice ones so go follow me on there : whoa calum

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