I am missing u badly pari i likes to be with u what to do i am not able to do that said a man to himself .Suddenly he heard a cry of baby he see where the voice is coming to see his son his little world was cry he goes to his son and pick him in his arms and started to make him calm but baby is saying only one word maa
What we expect for 2 year baby , all children want to be with there mother. He sings and trying pacify his son .
One das came and disturb the moment.Maharati karan rajkumar duryodhan is asking permission to enter your chamber said das
Let him said karna . The man who was trying to calm his son was karna and the baby is son of drupadi means karan's pari and karan son vrishasen .
Mitra what happened y my baby vrish is crying said duryodhan taking baby vrishasen in his arm .
What else he is missing his maa said karna in sad tone.
I know Mitra u also missing bhabii , i promised u i will not ask any questions about u r marriage or about bhabii but Mitra pls bring bhabii soon
U know Mitra only bhabii can give answer for all my question only my bhabii can treat me like her baby which my mata doesn't , Mitra from letter only i can fell her care for me her love for me when ever i am going to do any mistake my bhabii lead's me to right path like a mother , she guide me like big sister , she treats me like her son , Mitra pls i want see my bhabii when i will meet her , i want to keep my head in her lap and want to fell the mother warm which i doesn't know till now , plsss Mitra bring bhabii here said duryodhan .I hope that time will come soon said karna .
Mitra y r u here anything problem said karan .Nothing Mitra i come to see u both and Mitra be ready tomorrow we are going to visit hastinapur City said duryodhan were karan nodded. Duryodhan hugged karna and put sleeping vrishasen to bed and go from there .
Soon after duryodhan left karna said to himself .
What to do Mitra we also wish the same to be with complete family but before that i want get ride of mamashree shakuni and unit my brother's like pandavas and kuravas to kuru rajkumars . I wish that will be going to happen soon .he said and go to his son kissed his forehead and sleep beside him but before telling
I love u pari........................................................................
Another side we can see women was resting sleeping on couch thinking something her through was broken by dassi .
Maharani Maharaj was calling u said dassi .
Go i will come said maharani.dassi bow and go from there , she sings and get up and goes to mirror corrected her Saree and her baby bump was little visible she creased her 4 month baby bump and smile to herself and goes form there.
She reach the place the sight she see bring smile on her lips . Her five husband's was pampering her 2nd son prativindhya who was 1 year old . Her through was broken by her husband voice .
Nithya u came see him na he is not eating food said nakul in complaining tone.
Yes dru tell him to eat naaa whined sahadev .
Panchali tell him to eat striving is not good for health said bheem .
Arya y r u all complaining to me he is u r beloved son right make him eat u only ,the great mighty worries are accepting defeat said drupadi in teasing tone.
Kalyani being worries is easy than making baby to eat the food said yudhisthira .
Soo u all accepting defeat said drupadi.
Who said we are accepting defeat we all make him to eat wait and see krishnaa said arjun .
Let's see who will win my son or my husband's said drupadi sit near the asan .
Soon the pandavas are started to make him eat but prati is refusing to eat they all pampering him seeing this drupadi remember how her elder husband pamper her elder son remembering her son her eyes filled with tears her through broken by her husband.
See krishnaa he completed his food said Arjun in excitement but he noticed tear in her eyes. She suddenly wipe it .
Krishnaa y r u crying said arjun .
Did u remember our elder child said yudhisthira, she nodded her head.
Don't cry panchali i don't know y my brother wants to stay away from us said bheem.
Arya want stay away from us but arya was doing this for his family said krishnaa.
We know that krishnaa , but i hope we will be unit soon said arjun .
I also hoping that soon my family to live in united said drupadi seeing her son was pampering by her youngest husband's.
Hope you all liked the chapter
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With love
❤️ Shruthakirti❤️