part -5

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Next day karna go to see radha ma .
When he entered the house to see his radha maa doing some work but she was lost in her throughs .

Radha maa said Karna sitting in front of her . She came out of her through

Putra Karna when did u came said radha maa .

Just now when u lost in your thoughts said Karna and continue what r u thinking about Radha maa .

Now i have only one thing to think about that is your marriage said Radha maa where Karna look down sadly , what ur decision about marrying vrushali said radha maa.

Karna take a deep breath and said I'm ok with mar...rying vru..shali said Karna .

Where radha maa happiness had no bounds ,finally her son is ready to get marriage she cupped his face and kissed his forehead . Karna sadly smile at his mother and keep his head on her lap.

U know karan I'm the happiest person now finally my son is getting married said Radha maa .
Where Karna crying silently in her lap .

Vrushali father and Arya yesterday gone to the purohit he said that after 6 days there is a good day for your marriage now we finalize that day for your marriage said Radha maa where Karna nodded his head he get up from there asked where is my son said Karna .

he was playing here only before u come few hours back duryodhan come and take him to palace said Radha maa. Karan nodded and go to where his son is .

When he entered the room the scene  shocked him , he see his son is teasing duryodhan and telling something to vikarna dushasan ashwathama & some others kuravas  and  duryodhan is looking like red tomato . He thought  that what was the matter should be ? His through broken by his son voice .

Pitashreeeeee shout's' vrishasen  run to him and hugged him.

My Lion cub said Karna and picked him in his arms and kissed his cheeks .

What happened I'm looking red tomato here said Karna looking at duryodhan where  remaining are laughing vrishasen said something in his here .

Really mitr !! What I'm day  dreaming or its true somebody pinch me said Karna his son pinched him in his small hands . Ahaaa it hurts that means it's true said Karna looking at duryodhan .

Where duryodhan blushed in response .
What a miracle is happening here said ashwathama in shock .

Yaa someone is blushing said Karna in teasing tone.

And Bhrata I'm confused said vikarna .

What happened said Karna .

Did we planted  tomato plants in bharath duryodhan room bharath said vikarna confused tone .

No vikarna y we have to plant tomato plant here when we have blushing tomato here said ashwathama all laugh at his comments where duryodhan gleard at him .

U all are soo mean said duryodhan and go from there while going he hit the piller where all laugh at this even more .

Don't dream kakashree said vrishasen trying to control his laugh .
Duryodhan gleard at them and again move towards door but again he hit the piller he trun to see all are laughing holding there stomach .

U all are sooo sooo meani said duryodhan and go from there where all are  laughing  rolling on ground.


Pandavas come to upapandavas room but after seeing upapandavas  they all are having questioning look on their face they looked at each other face and go inside .

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