What!!!!! said Karna
Y...e...s arya i want u to marry again said parishta .
Are u gone mad pari what the hell r u saying marry another women never i will never marry another in my life there will be only one women in my life that is only u only my pari said Karna.
But arya u want to marry for our children, u want to marry for radha maa happiness will u going say to this world again my unborn baby also adopted child like virsh ur telling right radha maa was saying u to marry vrushali i don't know about vrushali but i know about urvi she loves u lot arya she loves our vrish like her own son i want u to marry her said parishta.
Nooooo i can't said Karna .
But u have to arya , u love me right said parishta.
More than my own life said Karna looking in her eyes.
Promise me u will marry both of them said krishnaa.
What r saying pari i don't want to marry anyone but u r telling to marry both of them said Karna.
U want to arya , only me, mata, kuravas , govind and my panchal family knows that u r married, to world u r bachelor , for radha maa's happiness u want to marry them plss arya said drupadi.
Tell me the truth u also happy with my other marriage said Karna .
Y...e...sss arya said drupadi.
Don't lie to me pari , i know how much u broken when yudi, bheem, arjun married again, now nakul and dev also going to participate in swayamvar and now u r telling me to marry again and u r telling u r happy with it don't try to fool me said Karna .
No arya I'm not fooling u I'm telling truth yaa i'm broken when they married again but there love for me never get low it was increasing day by day u know arya , arya yudhisthira and arya bheem never obey to participate in swayamvar but it me who forced them to go and arya sahadev he rejected the swayamvar and same with arya nakul but it me who said them to participate and arya arjun before he going exile he say that
May be i can marry another madien but i doesn't mean i love u less my love remember one thing there is no one who can take my krishnaa place in my life they will be my wife but u r my soulmate don't fell sad or don't broke down dear i loved u , i loving u, i will love u always until my last breath i'm only krishnaa's arjun.
But now u also want to marry them pls Arya said krishnaa . Tears are flowing from her eyes remembering how her all husband's love her .O.....k pari did u want me to marry again i will but i can't love them as i love u pari I'm not able give them love , they will never be my soulmate my soulmate is only u pari only u said Karna and hugged her tightly if she disappeared in any second and he continued but u never stop loving me right said Karna emotionally.
Never ever untill my last breath i love my all arya's they are my everything said drupadi.
Karna broke the hug and cupped her face kissed her forehead and smash his lips to her he sucked her lips like Honey if he is like bee without breaking the kiss he carried her to bed make her sleep .
That night he make a love with her . Moon hide behind the cloud in shyness . And that night nature witnessed the reunion of suryaputra karna and agni kanya drupadi ..
Hope you all liked the chapter
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