|♾|-| II - IV |

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| TWO / FOUR |

| ⚠️ | Contains: Violence, Abuse, Etc. |


-| 2003 |-
| The Red Room, Belarus |
- Nikolai Shevchenko Lukin -

It has been 5 months since Nikolai has become an instructor for the young women in the Red Room. During his time, all the trainees have strengthened their skills in all classes. The sparring matches are lasting longer as the opponents are matching their skills. An updated shooting range is under construction as the young women have outgrown the range previously provided.

Nikolai has made a few changes as well.
- No more separation during non-training time. This allows girls and women from different ages to spend time with others older or younger than them.
- During meals, all girls and women will eat together, no separation.
- During bedtime, the girls will no longer be handcuffed to their beds. Instead a new security system was installed to make sure no one leaves, including Nikolai himself.

Because of these changes, he quickly became liked by the trainees. He became a brother-figure to most of them, except one.

Nikolai's and Natalia's connection grew, the two of them are always sparring and fighting each other, mainly as demonstrations for the other girls and women. Natalia was the best and everyone knows it, especially Nikolai. There were times he lost and there were times she lost. The respect they had for each other grew as well.

They both knew what they were going through during their time here. Natalia was abused by Dreykov and Madame B., while Nikolai was constantly being tested on because he's a super soldier.

- Nikolai's Room | 2300 -

It's 11 at night, the academy closes down every night at 8:30 for bedtime. Nikolai is currently shirtless and in his black cargo pants, sitting at his desk drawing. He didn't have a lot to do when he wasn't teaching, training, being experimented on or eating. He has already read more than half the books provided at the library. He took up drawing only recently, it turns out he's a lot better than he thought... almost as if he has had experience in a past life.

He hears a light knock on his door, he walks over and slowly cracks it open to see the scalp of a redhead. His excitement peaks knowing exactly who it is.

He leans out and reaches for her arm and drags her in quickly. He closes the door after her and is met by a wide smile from the beautiful young woman.

NIKOLAI: (whispering) "Hey."

NATALIA: (whispering) "Hey."

(They are both whispering in this section to stay quiet and unnoticed)

She walks over to his desk to find his drawing pad, she picks it up and starts flipping through the pages.

NATALIA: "Wow... th-these are incredible, Niko."

NIKOLAI: "Thank you... *points at a certain page* that's a mountain in Vietnam, called Tay Con Linh."

NATALIA: "Vietnam? When were you in Vietnam?"

He steps back and looks down at his hands, he starts peeling at his calluses. She senses his nerves.

(DISCONTINUED) MCU - | THE OUTLAW | (Natasha Romanoff x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now