Chapter 6

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Jacob's arms were wrapped tight around my waist as we stood in front of each other in the water. He pulled me closer to his chest, attempting to kiss me again but a ray of light blinded our eyes. Scanning the dark beach, I spotted Clark and Andrea holding a flashlight, who was staring at us humorously.

"What the heck! How long have you two been there?" Jacob asked, letting me go awkwardly.

"I don't know, but please continue on what you're doing" Clark said with a grin on his face.

"How about you and Andrea do it in your room right now, and leave us a damn privacy?!" Jacob replied while getting a towel.

"Awe, don't be a kitty cat" Clark teased

As the two boys kept teasing, I took the towel from a bench and wrapped it around my wet body.

"How about we leave the two boys and I'll help you prepare dinner?" I suggested and Andrea nodded.

Without Clark and Jacob noticing, both Andrea and I left the beach and went inside the house.

"I'll wait for you in the kitchen after you get dressed" Andrea informed me, and I gave her a nod as I closed the bedroom door.

Opening my luggage, I took all of my clothes and hung them inside the closet and went to the bathroom. While taking my clothes off, I heard a door open and before I could lock the bathroom door, Jacob was in front of me. I screamed as I covered my naked body.

what's the cover for? if I had control I would continue on taking my clothes off .

Jacob turned around in shock and won't stop on saying: "I'm sorry"

I got out of the bathroom fully clothed and Jacob was sitting on the bed, looking pale.

"Skyler I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to see what I just saw"

"Let's just forget it."

Jacob nodded, his face still pale.

"I'll head to the kitchen to help Andrea. See you at dinner" I said awkwardly and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Andrea asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"nothing, what will we cook by the way?" I asked not wanting to remember what happened from earlier.

"Jacob's favorite, steak"

Andrea prepared the meat as I heated the pan.

"He's so different when he's with you" She said looking at Jacob who stood on the corner with Clark.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen him smile since he was rejected, he was always mad and feared, and it's you who makes him happy." Andrea replied.

I blushed as I looked at Jacob, who was smiling happily on his conversation. My blush went away as I remembered Andrea mention something about rejection.

"Rejected?, he had a mate before?" I questioned.

"Oops, I said too much. Maybe Jacob will tell you that one. I don't want to be the one telling his whole story" Andrea smiled as our conversation ended.

Jacob had a mate before, a person he might have loved. Will I be able to take that persons place? will he ever like me? or he won't forget about her? I shook my thoughts away.

Once we were done cooking we all sat on our chairs and started eating in silence.

"Skyler, we would like to take you and Jacob on a pack tour tomorrow, if that's okay?" Clark said, breaking the silence.

"Okay, I would love to meet your whole pack" I replied with a smile.

"Who wants popcorn and movies after this!" Andrea asked happily.

"I do" all the three of us answered at the same time, we laughed about it and went to the house's theater room after finishing dinner.

Clark turned off the lights and played a romance movie, he sat beside Andrea while I sat beside Jacob. While watching, Jacob sneakily placed his hand on mine, it sent tingles on my arm and I held onto Jacob's hand even more. Our contact made my heart race faster.


When I woke up, I was laying on the soft bed and felt tight arms wrap around me. I slowly turned around to see Jacob sleeping, his arms around my waist.

It was still early in the morning so I closed my eyes, still wanting to sleep beside my mate. His warm body protected me from the cold air circulating inside the room.

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