Chapter 14

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The cool breeze as the bright full moon shined up in the starry sky gave me an unexplainable feeling, like warmth, peace, and safety combined into one, as I walked around.

Staring up, spacing out, I sat on the ground as a wolf. Guarding the pack while most of my people were asleep made me appreciate those who guard the pack.

It was near midnight when Clara appeared in front of me, her face looked like it missed a week worth of sleep. The bags under her eyes were covered in messy eyeliner. I only sat facing her, not wanting to speak first.

"I'm sorry. He's yours now. We're still best friends right?" as she smiled her eyes held no emotion. As bad as I may sound, I don't believe in her apology. Clara is a person who gets mad at whoever she believes is wrong. And if she thinks my mate is hers, then she'll do anything to let everyone know she owns him.

Would she really ruin our friendship if it would give her Jacob though? I can't imagine Clara doing that, but there's nothing wrong if I'd be cautious of her. I know she's not the kindest when she's blinded by what she wants.

"As you said when we were young, best friends forever." My tail wagged slowly. We both faced away from each other in the awkward silence.

"I should go to bed." She walked away without saying her usual good night. Feeling a bit down, I started walking slowly to continue patrolling. I hope Clara would find someone who could give her all the happiness she deserves. Why would it be my mate that she rejected, among all people, why would it be Jacob. Our little fight last night haunted me. I don't want to lose Clara, I love her so much.

Feeling the need to rest, I turned around facing towards our house to go to bed. "Alpha Skyler, Alpha Jacob is at the northern border waiting for you." My drowsiness disappeared as I ran fast to the northern border, although I was confused why Jacob was here late at night.

I can smell him hiding somewhere outside the border. "Stop hiding." Impatient to see him, I smelled the ground, walking in circles trying to find him. Suddenly, a wolf leaps from behind me. I jumped to face Jacob, his beautiful eyes that I missed so much, glistened under the moon. Our bodies rubbed to mix our scents. "I missed you." I released a low whimper, happy that I finally saw him again. "I missed you more." He licked my fur, cleaning some of the dirt on my face.

"Why are you here this late? Not that I'm complaining." We lied on the ground, my head resting on his neck. "I can't wait until tomorrow to see you, so I finished a few day's worth of work to spend time with you more."

"You should have told me so that I could've prepared the guest room for you."

"I'm won't be sleeping on your room?" He looked at me with slight puppy eyes.

"You will. But I don't want others to know 'cause they'll start teasing me. And you're our guest, so I need to at least show some good manners."

We walked towards the pack house. "Please prepare a room on the first floor for alpha Jacob."

"Once you get inside, lock the doors, open the window, and jump. I'll wait there." He carried two bags in his mouth as I watched him follow a pack member.

After shifting and wearing clothes, I stood outside Jacob's window. He landed silently on two feet. I kissed his soft lips, still giving me butterflies. "This makes me want to do the vows right now." He kissed me back.

"Good night." I inhaled his scent as I closed my eyes. Leaning in his chest, I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up from a very good sleep, that rarely happens because of how late I sleep and wake up early. My eyes slowly opened to adjust as the sun shined on my face. Based on how the sun was positioned, I suspected that I woke up late. I glanced at my side to see an empty space. Jacob must've gone to his room already.

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