Chapter 21

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"I see. You said you were an athlete, so you train using your shifted form." I restated what Gabrielle told me. Despite beginning our conversation with a hesitant feeling, she quickly sought for my opinion after knowing I was a lycan. Knowing the hardships the transformation brings, I offered to listen and provide with whatever help and advice I could.

"That must be why you're already strong enough despite being a newly transformed one. Your wolf form was already strong and used to the physical pressure that when you grew stronger, it accommodated your wolf just as quickly. Allowing it to take control over you." That was likely to be the reason. She had an unusual amount of power for someone so new. The body doesn't normally adapt in an instant, it takes the time to slowly adjust. But in her case, her body didn't have to adjust as much. "Whatever the case, I didn't want to be like this. I was just trying to please my dad and everyone else, and I know it wasn't planned, but why do I feel like I was forced to be like this." Hands reasoned against the air and came to the white mattress sheets in defeat as its owner mumbles in shame. "I can't even control my own wolf."

"Learning how to control takes some time and much patience, but can help you learn to communicate and work with your wolf in using its full strength. So I suggest that you practice in your human form as much as possible. Master your patience first; keep yourself from bottling emotions until you explode."

"But I never wanted all of this in the first place."

"Do you mind me asking how you came to exert your body so much that you awakened your lycan?"Her head rested on her knees before she gave me her answer. "My dad couldn't be satisfied, they all couldn't. Four hours in the morning wasn't enough for them, so they would train me after school, along with the others, until most of us would pass out. You'd be lucky if you get through the day by sleeping voluntarily. Normally the training would have done it for you, waking you up the next day filled with bruises perfect for school." She told me with too much familiarity.

"I believe your pack has four other Lycans. Are you the one who trains them too?" There was almost a pleading tone hidden behind her simple curiosity. "Not really, I simply help when I can." My reply quickly received yet another question. "Have they lost control too? How did you manage the four of them."

"Only the first two have, just not as bad yours. I wasn't confident if I was enough help to them. After all, I was the only one who had to help myself when I became one, so I never really knew what kind of help I needed to offer. But I eventually found answers to my own question. After two years, we welcomed another lycan, and one more a year after." Although she didn't really show much emotion, her mouth formed a spaced between her lips. It was enough for me to want to help her love her new self. "I'll offer you some tips if you don't mind so listen."

"It would be a pleasure." She smiled, relief could even be seen as she breathed through her chest.

"So the first thing I want you to do is-" A knock on the door caused her to turn her head in the blink of an eye as she harshly rolled her eyes. "Tsk"

"Come in." Taylor briefly bowed through the now open door, bringing news to report. "A member from the Sequin pack has reached out. They're claiming her to be a pack member theirs?"

"It's true. What else did they say?" I replied. "Their alpha and a few of his selected people are on their way. I told them to have their alpha request for your time first before coming, but he insists on going. As always, the guards are waiting for your approval of entry for when they arrive." It is a sign of respect to let a trusted member or leader know before a person decides to enter the closed grounds of the pack, but even a member of the council couldn't do that. The closed grounds within the pack is the only place where outsiders aren't allowed to enter. Important members and families of the alpha, beta, and gamma live there; to show up unannounced is considered rude. "Give me a break, this is my only chance to get a good sleep and they won't even let me. I don't want to go home tonight!" Gabrielle slumped her body on the soft pillows, her arms opened wide appearing defeated and waiting to be taken. Taylor quipped humorously to which she received a snort. "Should I tell them you're in a coma?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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