☆𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 02☆

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Humankind is divided into three ranks.

First, Alpha:
Dominant, aggressive, strong, brave. They are natural born leaders. Only alpha can pick territory, pick their own mate and play important roles.

Second, Beta:
They are workers. Their animal instincts isn't as strong as alphas. They are maintainer of the society. Beta are found in almost every field of career that requires focus and devotion.

Lastly, Omega:
They're like jewels of society. Beautiful but useless. Their role is to only give birth. They're not allowed to work or even leave the house.
Naturally all of them are womens.

Well, almost all of them.

There are some rare cases where a male omega is born.

And, Jung Hoseok is one of them.

Flashback to when Hoseok had his first heat~

It's been a week since Hoseok found out him being an omega male. He was sitting on his bed wondering why and how did this happened. He wanted to turn out as an alpha not a omega.

Suddenly, a wave of pain hitted the lower part of his body, making him jolt out... The sudden pain made him scream in pain as he clutched on his stomach. His body felt like it was set on fire. Wet tears streamed down his face.
"W-what is happening?"

His glossy eyes widened when he felt his trousers getting wet. Hoseok brought his shaking hands to his lower region... only to find a large amount of white slick forming and then he realised... it was his first heat.

"I-i need to get away from here."
He whimpered, running towards the door as tears streamed down his face. He couldn't let Jungkook or Jimin to know about this.

He ran and ran not knowing where he was going...

The only reason why he stopped running was the immense pain in his lower region that he couldn't run anymore..so he sat in the corner of a dark alley, clutching on his stomach like his life depended on it, as tears fell like waterfall through his eyes.

Some footsteps walking through the alley was heard before they came to a stop.

"What is that sweet smell?" The bulky man growled, sniffing wildly, trying to smell more of that vanilla with lavender scent.
"This... this is really different! Where is it com-- oh! Look over there!" The male's eyes landed on Hoseok who was in the corner, shaking violently as he held on his stomach with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Is that a boy?!"
"My my a male omega? Aren't they rare?"
"Yep. Looks like this pretty little thing is trying to fight it's heat hmm?"

A dirty smirk formed on the faces of the two men, as they took careful steps towards the shivering male.
"Hey pretty boy you will not mind if we help you, right? Well we are from north gate pack."

The first one crouched down to Hoseok's level, his hand coming to stroke Hoseok's cheeks as the omega tried to push him away.

"G-get away!! Leave me!"
Hoseok cried out trying to remove the man off him who was getting a little too close to him. He slapped the man's hand away.

"Aww... feisty one aren't you?"
The other leaned in, suddenly grabbing Hoseok's hair and slapped him across the face.

"No problem, we can get your mouth to some good work."

With that the male tried to open Hoseok's mouth forcefully as the other hurriedly started removing his pants.
"N-no get away from me. S-stop it." Hoseok screamed.

Hoseok saw a man at the back who just stood and stared at him emotionless.

"Yah what are you doing?" A man in white coat appeared.
"Get away from him or I will call the police."

"Shit we need to run. Let's go." With that they all ran away from there.

The man approached him. Hoseok backed away with fear.
"Hey hey Hoseok, no need to be afraid. I will not hurt you." The brown haired man said extending his hands towards him.
"Don't be afraid, they are all gone. I am Dr. Kim Seokjin."

"How d-did you know my name?" Hoseok asked looking warily at the man.

"Ah I've been keeping an eye on you since we found out that you're a male omega. Don't worry I will make you an alpha."


"By we means, the government. They sent me to protect you." He chuckled.
"What a surprise, Jung Hoseok, the brave young man who just dethroned the former leader of East gate is actually an omega... what do you think will happen if everyone knows?"

Hoseok flinched at the last sentence.

"The alphas will try to win your territory, and to claim you as well... if you're unlucky then you have to carry children too. But don't worry... i can't change your DNA but I can tweak the chemicals in your body to make you an alpha."

"...What's the price? I don't think you are doing this for free." Hoseok asked not believing what the other male.

Seokjin sighed.
"Hoseok, a male omega like you is rarer than anything and precious too. You're a precious specimen for study. All I ask you to take part in our experiment.

And no need to worry about your identity. It will be protected by government. I will also make a fake test reports stating you are an alpha. You won't lose your territory, horny alphas will not lay their hands on you. You'll be safe with us.

So what would you say, Hoseok?"

Hoseok didn't hesitate to answer.
"Yes please! I'm ready to take part in your experiment. Make me an alpha!"

After talking with the doctor he came back home. The doctor gave him a lot of heat suppressants, scent blockers and many more pills. He remembered what the doctor said to him.

"Be careful when you take them, only take the drugs as advised. Some of them haven't tested on human yet."

He started crying.
"I hate my body. I hate myself."
He grabbed the syringe fill it up with drug and injected it to his stomach.
"I'll be an alpha. I don't care if it's kills me. I will do anything to change it."

Flashback end~


See you guys in next chapter.

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