☆𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 05☆

757 63 22

"Jimin-sii, i know what you're thinking. I think the same, too." The brown haired boy sigh.

"But, Seokjin-sii what if-" The boy asked worry in his voice.

Seokjin cut him off.
"None of us will let him claim Hoseok, Jimin-sii. We're both aware of his ill intentions. He wants Hoseok as a weapon.

You know how ruthless our leader can be. He won't hesitate to kill anyone who touch the precious omega male. I don't want any of us getting hurt, so please keep my words in mind."

Jimin stayed silent.

With a sigh the doctor continued.
"This is why we have to co-operate in this experiment. If we succeed, our leader can get what he wants and he will not touch Hoseok. We've been so close to solution please don't ruin our chance."

"I...understand, doc. Thank you for trusting Hoseok to me."
He hung up the phone.
'I'm still not sure if trusting you was a good idea though, Kim Seokjin-sii.'

The doctor looked at his phone wallpaper. That was the photo of Hoseok.
"Yah Hoseok-ah... I had granted your wish to be an alpha 3 years ago. But it seems like your body is fighting back.
I don't think you can pretend anymore, Hoseokie. I'm not sure if i can help you anymore.

Please don't hate hyung Hoseok-ah."


Hoseok was standing infront of mirror, looking at his body.
"I lost a lot of muscle mass. My body is getting weaker day by day. I can still fight and protect my territory, but for how long?" The boy sighed.

He looked at his chest.
"Ugh, what now man boobs. I look so gross."

He felt uneasiness in his stomach. Like something is bad about to happen.
Suddenly a wave of pain hit him in his lower region.
"Ahh! I-it hurts! My stomach!! D-did I get hit here?"

'Jungkook help me! Jungkook!!'


Jungkook was at school when he felt it. His heart started to beat fast against his chest.

"Dude what's wrong? Are you alright? You look like you saw ghost or something." His friend asked.

Snapping out of daze he looked at him.
"A-ah, it's nothing Sungho. I thought I heard Hoseok hyung's voice...?"

"Eh?" Sungho looked at him with confused expression.

"You go ahead i will just call hyung to check up on him."

"Ah okay. Come quickly."
Sungho patted his back and strided to their classroom.

Jungkook came outside sitting on a bench. Biting his nails anxiously, he dialled his hyung's number.
*Rrrring* *Rrrring* *Rrrring*
"Pick up hyung, please. I'm worried."
After one more ring the other line picked up.


"HYUNG! Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? Why your voice sounded like that?"

"Woah woah calm down Kook. Don't worry, I'm ok. I guess I got punched in the stomach while fighting. That's all!
Hoseok let out a giggle.
"There's nothing your almighty leader can't handle."

"But hyung..."

"No buts. I will kick you again if you skip school! I got injured more severe than this before. Stupid stomach cramp is nothing to be worried about."

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