☆𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11☆

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"Hey, Minie?"
The younger asks, interrupting his train of thoughts.

"Is Hoseok hyung nesting?"
Jungkook asked softly.

Nesting is Omega's instinct to protect themselves. They will pick soft items that has familiar scent to them, like their family or mates clothes, then make a small circular nest, and lays down inside of it, until they feel better.
This instinct usually kicks in when the Omega is in weak state, such as during heat, pregnancy, post-partum or whenever they feel like they need to be surrounded by their family and mate.

Jimin eyes widened.
'How? How can I explain it to this kid without revealing Hoseok's secret?'
He gulped.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side.

Jimin looked back at Hoseok, silently pleading that he should wake up.
'Wake up, Hoseok. You are caught red-handed!!'


"N-nesting? N-no way! Nesting is an omega thing. Why would H-hoseok do that?"
Jimin stuttered over his words.
"But it really looks like he's making a messy nest from pillows and clothes."
Jungkook said.

"It's not nesting. It's just umm a form of coping mechanism! Hoseok has been sick for a while, he needs your support, needs your presence around him, but too prideful to ask for a hug. Y-you know alpha and their pride, right? So he surrounds himself in your clothes instead, because they smell like you."
Jimin speaks non-stop, fumbling over his words profusely.
'Aahh Jimin. You are such a bad liar....'

"For a second, something in my mind told me, 'An omega is nesting. Protect him!'." Jungkook rubbed back of his neck.
"But Hoseok hyung an omega impossible, right? There's no way an omega can lead a territory."

"Ha ha ha. Y-yes impossible."
'Jungkook having such urge to protect a nesting omega. Seems like his alpha instincts starting to wake up. I'm glad his smol brain isn't sharp as his instincts. He really believes in me.'

Jungkook crouched down infront of Hoseok looking at his face. He reached his hands to Hoseok hair, softly caressing it.
"So in short hyung wants cuddles, right?"

"I guess."
Jimin replied.

"Ahh Hobi hyung is getting cuter everyday. If he wanted to cuddle, then he should just have asked." Jungkook got up and lied beside Hoseok on the bed.
"Come on Minie let's join Hoseok hyung!" He pulled Jimin on the bed using his forearm.
"H-hey Jungkook!"
After protesting so much Jimin finally lied beside Hoseok's left side.

"This is nice. Just like good old days."

"Yeah, and you've been a shitty brat since then. I thought you'd be cute little brother, but you don't even bother to call me hyung."

"C'mon Minie, i dropped the honorifics so we could be more friendly with eachother!" Jungkook said with cute voice doing aegyo.

"Friendly my ass. You look like you're ready to kill me whenever Hoseok is within 1 meter radius from me.

Now that we talk about it.... it's rare that you'll let me lay next to Hoseok. You usually get jealous. You're not gonna poison my breakfast tomorrow, will you?"

"Haha, jealousy is only for pathetic, insecure people." Jungkook said while flipping his imaginary long hair. He looked at the side seeing Hoseok cuddling to Jimin.
"And I'm feeling pathetically insecure right now. Haha."

"Just say you're jealous then."

"I can't monopolize hyung after all."
Jungkook says holding a hoodie and office shirt.
"These are yours, right? Hoseok hyung also keeps your used clothes here."

'Those are mine..'
Jimin thought.

"It seems like Hoseok hyung is more comfortable around you anyway."

Jimin looked at Hoseok, who winced and clutched to Jimin's shirt.
'What's with this reaction? Is Jungkook's presence too overwhelming for him? It's still faint but Jungkook released his alpha scent. I can smell his hurt and anger in the air. It must be affecting Hoseok.'
Jimin could feel the burning stare of Jungkook. He gulped and avoided his gaze looking at the ceiling.
'But the clingier Hoseok gets, the angrier Jungkook gets. This is like a devil's cycle. He looks so pissed off.'

"Jimin, there's something i have been dying to ask since eight years ago. You know i never doubted your words so don't betray my trust. Please be honest.

What do you feel about Hoseok hyung? Do you also love him?"

Jimin heartbeat raced, he swallowed nervously.
"I....uh....I'm sorry."
'I've lied so many times, both to Hoseok and Jungkook, but... there's no use of lying about something obvious as this.'
"I'm sorry but i do love him."
Jungkook clenched his jaw.



Me reading other authors omegaverse books: Woah this is so cool.
Me reading my omegaverse: Why your book look like this-

Me reading my omegaverse: Why your book look like this-

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