6 - Another Raid

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But your mamá never did come back. You and your papá would often wonder if she was still alive and where she could have gone. He would regret not going after her sooner. He would still get angry and drink, but as you got older he was able to go into the jungle to cool off as you could be left alone. He still didn't get much support, and people feared him more as they wondered what had happened to Maria. They would never listen long enough for him to explain. He was often angry and sad, and still not over Maria leaving.

He tried to teach you how to control your gift and tried to explain the ways it felt when he was learning to control his. It didn't take you too long to learn. You would sometimes use it to hide from him if he got really angry, or if you felt shy or didn't want to be seen. You would also turn invisible if you got a fright or got hurt which you tried to learn to stop as it was harder for people to try to help if they couldn't see you. One day when you had disobeyed your papá he used his gift against you and zapped you. You tried to turn invisible after and run away but found you couldn't. He then turned invisible. It seemed he could steal your power for a limited time when he zapped you. 

He tried not to zap you too often, but one day more raiders came to your village. Your papá came up with the idea to take your invisibility so that he could defeat the raiders without even being seen. 

"Y/N if I just take your power for a little while I can send the raider away without them even knowing what hit them." Your papá said as you heard screams and carnage from outside your house. You didn't like the idea, but you knew it would work.

"...Ok," you said hesitantly. Your papá held out his hand for you to take. You placed your hand in his and felt the searing pain. Your body instinctively recoiled. 

"I think I'm going to need a bit longer." Your papá said apologetically. You nodded and held his hand again. You felt the pain but tried to breathe through it so you would give him enough of your gift for him to stay invisible as long as it took him to disperse the raiders. He then let go. 

"That should be enough." He said. Your jaw started to relax after the pain but there was still the fear of the raiders. 

"Stay here and stay hidden. I don't think your gift will work for a while." Your papá said. Then he disappeared.  You went to your room and shut the door and hid under your bed. It was still a comforting place, despite it being a little tighter now. You lay under a blanket and tried to stay calm. 

Your papá ran outside whilst still invisible and ran up to the closest raider on horseback and gave his horse a zap. Reminiscent of the first raid your papá stopped the horse bolted, much to the confusion of the rider. Oscar was careful to zap the horses while being out of trampling range. He continued with more zaps and got a few of the raiders too. There started to be cries of ghosts and curses from the raiders as some of them fled. Others tried to get their horses to turn back towards the village, unconvinced of their being spirits or anything to be afraid of. The unconvinced raiders got off their horses, attempting to demand goods from the villages or stealing what was around. However, the raiders were pushed to the ground by an unseen force and zapped with pain. They flailed their machetes around to no avail and eventually, all of them fled. 

As you lay under the bed you heard it become quiet outside so you cautiously came out from under the bed. You tried to use your invisibility and it still wasn't working so you hoped that meant your papá was still able to use it. You peaked outside and it appeared the raiders had left. There were a few signs that they had been there such as trampled market food and things that had been pushed over but overall it didn't seem too bad. You went outside and saw that a few other villagers were coming out of their homes, understandably confused as to why the raiders dispersed. You papá then appeared in front of you. 

"And stay out!" Your papá yelled before turning back to you, his expression softening. 

"That worked pretty well I would say." He smirked, then hugged you. 

"Much better than last time... " He said lost in thought for a moment before looking back at you.

"You hungry?" He asked, taking out some presumably stolen chocolate from his pockets followed by a flask of liquor. 

"Papá!" you exclaim. 

"What? You save a village, you get a reward. They don't like me enough to actually give me one, so I take what I'm owed. Hey, you're in this too it's your gift." He chuckles and hands you some of the chocolate. You take a bite. It is bitter and smooth. Very strong but quite moreish. You take some more and go inside and have dinner with your papá. 

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