25 - Pain

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The pain is excruciating but familiar as your papá grips your hand. He has a sincerely apologetic look on his face. You inhale sharply and let it go slowly but shakey. The pain becomes unbearable, your eyes become misty, you try to pull away but your papá holds on for a moment longer, meeting your eye with an ernest and determined look. You almost black out a moment before he lets go. You flop back onto your bed and curl up into a fetal position as the pain radiates from your hands. Your papá gives you a quick rub on the arm.

"It's ok, it'll all be over soon. I'll come back and get you then we best be out of here." He says before swiftly leaving. You blink away tears as you watch him close the door behind him. The pulsing aftershock of the pain prevents you from thinking straight for a moment. You shake your head and try to recuperate your thoughts as the pain slowly subsides.

'Maybe it will be fine.' 'Maybe he will change his mind.' 'Maybe I should stay here and pretend I didn't know about it.' 'What could I do anyway?' 'But Camilo...' 'I know he wouldn't let this happen if he knew I was the one in danger.' You heart is beating out of your chest. A cold sweat dampens your brow. You plead with you body to move from the position your papá left you in. Suddenly you stand. You have to do something. You feel as though you might throw up but you push through and make it to the door. You have to warn Camilo.

You run to his door and burst in, now sweating profusely from every pore. He's standing alone in the middle of the room. He looks over at you with confusion in his deep brown eyes.

"Camilo we have to get out of here, my papá is going to try and steal your gift!" You burst out. His look becomes cold and disappointed. He shakes his head in frustration.

"Why did you have to do this Y/N? I can't have you changing your mind on me. What about your mama?" He says as he morphs into your papá. Shit. You fucked up. You turn to run but your papá is much too fast and he is already on you. You go to tell but he puts his hand over your mouth. You know there's no point fighting him. You'd never win. No one will hear you with the sound proofing either.

Your papá ties your hands behind you back as you plead with him. "I'm sorry." "I wasn't thinking." "I won't do it again." "Please don't do this." Tears stream down your face. You see him grow angrier.

"You've already done enough. I can't have you complicating this further." He says as he grabs you by the arm and shoves you into the bathroom. You fall and hit the hard ground on your side without your arms to catch you. Your papá slams the door behind you and you hear him put something behind the door. He then kicks it making you flinch. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping next time you open them you'll be safe in your bed.  You hear him slam the door to the room. Then you hear a loud impact and glass shattering. Your papá must have struck one of the mirrors. It reminds you of his rages when you were younger. You feel as though you're that young child again.

You open your eyes and look around at the bathroom through teary eyes. A chair has been propped up against a closet, preventing it from opening from the inside. You assume that's what your papá must have done to the bathroom door. You awkwardly get up and slide the chair out of the way. You turn around so you can open it with your hands. An unconscious Camilo lies at the bottom of the closet uncomfortably. His hands are also tied together.

"Camilo!" You jostle him ungracefully with your bound hands.

You must have been recovering for longer than you thought for your papá to have had time to do this. He blinks awake and then winces.

"Y/N?" He croaks.

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