16 - Real Introductions

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Just as you're about ready to go down for breakfast, another knock at the door gives you a fright. It has been taking a lot of your energy to not turn invisible while you're here. Hopefully, Camilo didn't come back to talk about the spider bite. You sigh, disappointed, it's your papá. He shuts the door behind him carefully and walks over to you ominously. He gets out a piece of paper again and starts writing.

"Camilo said we can talk in here, it's soundproof." You say. Your papá narrows his eyes and scribbles something on the paper: 'do you trust him'. You probably trust Camilo more than your papá at this point.

"Yea I don't think he has a reason to lie? He doesn't have a reason to think we're a threat he's just being hospitable. He said his sister is the one who can hear everything in the Encanto." Your papá twitches his nose and purses his lips, unconvinced. "It's better than having evidence lying around too." You continue, remembering the embarrassing moment earlier. He seems to agree.

"What else have you found out." Your papá asks.

"Nothing." You say a little too quickly. You try to slow down, make it more casual. You want to drag out your papá doing anything as long as possible so you have time to think about what you're going to do. "It was just small talk, nothing of note."

"And he's not suspicious of us at all?" Your papá enquires.

"No, why would he be? He thought he got bit by a spider this morning... I think I can make him trust me." You finish, wanting to appease your papá.

"Ok good, I'm thinking we scope out the gifts and see if we can stay awhile. I'll work on my plan." He says. You like the idea of staying a while, but not the idea of plans. You nod reluctantly.

"Camilo said it was time for breakfast."

"Yes, let's do that." He says. He always seems to be doing mental calculations and looking off into the distance. It's unnerving. It'll be nice to just have a normal breakfast.

Your papá leaves the room and you're finally ready to go down for breakfast. You walk out past the mirror room and down the stairs. The house moves and breaths beneath you like another gifted family member, adjusting to a good step size for you and moving the banister as you walk. You make it out to the breakfast and see Camilo piling up a plate. He waves you over and you grab a plate and some food. The long table extends to fit you and your papá and Camilo leads you to a seat.

"It looks lovely." You say, eager to have a warm breakfast, but you wait until everyone is at the table before eating. Everyone looks towards Abuela.

"I hope our guests felt welcome." She starts, looking at you, your papá, and Camilo. Your papá replies in an uncharacteristically formal voice.

"Yes, thank you to Camilo for allowing us to sleep in his room, and for you healing my leg," He says looking to Julietta, "and everyone else for accommodating us last night. Thank you also for this breakfast." He finishes with a nod.

"It's our pleasure," Abuela says. "I hope you slept well, introductions were brief last night and I believe you aren't from around here so we will introduce ourselves." They start saying their names as they go around the table and you feel a sense of deja vu. It's odd that you have actually only just now met everyone, it seemed like you already had. Your papá introduces you.

"My name is Oscar and this is Y/N, we were travelling when I broke my leg, and we were unbelievably fortunate to find you. Your family is incredible. We are from a small village far from here. Unfortunately, many of travelling supplies are now gone and we wouldn't want to overstep but it would help us immensely if we were able to stay longer to get back on our feet."

Abuela pauses, gauging the response from the family. "Camilo, are they able to stay with you a while longer?"

Camilo answers mid-bite. "Yea, of course."

"Camilo don't talk with your mouth full." Abuela sighs and Camilo makes a face. "We would be happy to host you while you recover." Abuela announces.

"Thank you very much, Y/N and I are happy to repay you how we can should you need it." Your papá says smiling brightly. You feel an odd sense of dread but it melts as Camilo turns to you and smiles. "Roomies for a while then?"

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