Chapter One - Madeline (edited)

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"Matty, I understand that attending the gathering in Lars may seem important, but we must prioritize your health and safety. Especially since you've only just recovered from the last trial. Let's just go to the funeral and come right back," Dominic spoke in a concerned tone as he gently massaged my sore calves. I lay between him and Luke, feeling like a lopsided coatrack due to the branches on my head. Our entourage was larger than usual as we made our way to the palace, with the babies nestled in our limo. Ciaran's baby was sleeping soundly on my chest.

I rolled my eyes at the impending argument. "I can't just call in sick during a war."

After Venetto and I returned from the rooftop, we had planned to stay at home until the final trial. However, Luis had launched several aggressive attacks on both Lars and the Autumn city of Fialam.

Duir had urgently requested our return to the city to help protect it from potential threats. As I made my way back to the palace, I also knew I had to sort out the staff and other household members who were staying there. However, my mind was preoccupied with the looming threat of Luis, who was clearly not going to take my victory in the second trial lightly.

To add to my worries, the vampires had decided to stay in the comfort house in the city. While we had stationed guards there, led by the capable Eowyn who had been instrumental in reorganizing the guard and keeping Lars safe, I couldn't shake off my concerns about their presence.

The death of Autumn's governor left the city of Fialam exposed and defenseless. As the owner of a significant amount of land in the Autumn country of Fidelis, I was already being scrutinized for my loyalty.

All my plans to spend time with my babies went out the window the moment I received Duir's message. I grumbled in frustration, wishing I could have at least an hour to cherish their company before leaving. But alas, there was no time to waste.

"But she's a Tree with other Trees to help. Why you?" Dom had taken off my shoes and was rubbing my feet. I wanted to groan in bliss because he wasn't fighting fair. Being at the brink of death as many times as I had been in the past week did put some kinks in the body, despite having competent healers on board.

As I rested against Luke's chest, I felt grateful for his new ability to provide me with comfort. Xavian's siren-like power to manipulate emotions was also helping to keep me afloat in the aftermath of the three trials I had endured. Not only had I been poisoned twice and still carried the taint within me, but I had also given birth to three babies and lost my cousin Regina. Emotionally, I was drained and in need of all the support I could get.

Dimini, our trusted companion, was in the limo behind us, and I couldn't help but wish he was here with us. However, for now, I had Luke's warm embrace and Dominic's ministrations to distract me from the discomfort of the temporary branches that sprouted from my head to provide nectar for our babies. It was a unique experience, but I knew that once the infants were weaned, the branches would disappear.

I shifted my position, mindful of the branches to avoid scratching Luke's face. As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support of those around me. Despite everything, I knew we would get through this together.

Dom's glare was as fierce as one of Luis's, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. "I have to do this, Dom," I said firmly. "We can't just sit by and let Luis get away with what he's doing."

"I don't like it," Dom grumbled. "Can't all this paperwork wait until after the trials? And why can't Luke just sign the papers for you? He's the Regent, isn't he?"

Luke's expression darkened at the mention of his title. "Yes, I am the Regent," he said through gritted teeth. "But it's not that simple. The temple and the nobles may protest if I sign the papers instead of her. Regent is a position traditionally held by women, and without the goddess or a wife to guide me, I'm seen as nothing but a placeholder. Every decision I make is met with resistance, and the unrest between the four realms has only grown worse because of it."

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now