Chapter Seven - Madeline

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The man was definitely a scoundrel, and I already had Ciaran for that role.  He was cheeky, and looked like fun. I could only imagine the chaos that would ensue with Ciaran trying to one-up him.

"If you're anything like the ivy in the real world, then no thanks," I said with a laugh to Mr. Ivy. "Ivy plants have a tendency to take over."

The ivy's smile widened. "We don't take over, we only bind things together. Having me on your side is lucky."

I snorted, but I couldn't deny being slightly charmed. "I have enough bonds. But we can use all the help we can get if you're offering."

He swept his hand over the assembled Trees. "All these are on your side. We look forward to meeting with you later to discuss many things."

Duir was on my side. Why did that not comfort me?

I looked at him, then at the Trees with him and knew that this was only going to bring me more trouble. My response was less than thrilled. "Cool...we could do... lunch I guess."

Duir cleared her throat and was glaring at the Ivy. He was already usurping spots just like ivy was known to do, and didn't that make him even more charming in my eyes? Yes, it did. I turned my attention to Duir.

With one more glare at the Ivy, she nodded. "That will do. We look forward to a much longer talk together."

The Trees sat down, and Ciaran stared after them with a narrowed expression. "I don't like how they've started all buzzing about you, Princess. Nothing good is going to come of it." He whispered in my ear.

I agreed, but I also didn't want him creating a scene. For now, the preception that I was unified with the trees was useful. "You're a Tree too, Key. It's good for our rep, don't you think?"

He clicked his tongue in displeasure. "Having it seem like the Trees favor you is an advantage, but..." His tone grew sultry as he continued. "I rather like being the only Tree in your garden, Princess..."

My brows raised, "Well I don't think you need to worry about that. No one in my court is a Tree except you." 

"Hmm...well, just when you think everything is under control, there's always something upsetting the apple cart, as it were." Ciaran gave me one of his irritatingly enigmatic smiles and faced the crowd once more. What did he mean by saying that? I scowled at him, realizing he was being secretive. I had no time to bully those secrets out of him.

Some other visitors entered the doors and waited behind the Trees for their turn to speak. As they moved forward, I recognized Eowyn among the new arrivals. 

Eowyn was not in uniform. Instead he was wearing a golden tunic matched with black, silken pants. The shirt made his dark violet hair and lavender eyes stand out. Despite his horrible scar, he looked far more otherworldly than anyone in the room.  Eowyn knelt on one knee before our thrones and laid down a shimmering scarf that was dyed a shade that was similar to a crocus in the sunlight. The ends of the scarf nearly matched the shade of violet of his hair. On top of the scarf he laid three cuff bracelets that were exquisitely designed with fragile filigree and jewels. Once he was done with his arrangement, he stared up at me.

"What's all this, Eowyn?" 

His smile pulled at his scar making him appear fiercer, but his lavender eyes held a warmth. "You remember my name, Elect Madeline."

"Kind of impossible not to." He was a boulder of a man, much like Venetto. 

He smiled in pleasure. "I am glad to know that I found a place in your mind.  I had planned to return home but when I saw you, I knew why I had remained. You were the Tree that linked us to heaven, and I hope to find my way back there one day. These are gifts from my world, and I renew my petition to be part of your house."

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now