Chapter Four - Luis

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After running for some time, I felt Joseph's magic tug at me, and I had no choice but to stop. It would clue him in that he didn't have complete control, that I'd overcome his fear already. After some snarling curses, I turned around again and made my way back to camp.

Joseph had gone to see the hags to try to heal himself again. I had a feeling that he wasn't finding healing because of Matt's theft of his force, combined with the loss of his ring.

My blood did nothing. It was devoid of the spark, and I know that frustrated him.

As I fantasized about Joseph being too weak to lead, Nian appeared beside me.

I looked over at him, not surprised that he chose a time when Joseph had left in order to appear. He had no love for the man. He looked me over with those eerie eyes of his.

They were the color of bruises.

Matt, of course, probably thought they were pretty, but I found them disconcerting.

I grew tired of his silent perusal of me so I finally spoke up.

"What is your question, Nian?"

"Did you know that Ios lost his ring to our new Tree?"

Yes. That was why he lost control over the milder dark fae. The will o' wisps had quietly disappeared, returning to their forests or the underworld. He still had the hags and trolls on our side, but the gremlins had burrowed away and escaped. The hobgoblins still were loyal, especially with the goblins on our side, but the imps had scattered.

"We're fine without the ring. The dark fae will heed the king they've had for aeons." I knew as well as he that we were not fine.

Nian snorted because he could recognize a load of manure when he saw it. "I find myself less inclined to help you. I'm sure you know why."

I knew it was not because the dark fae had grown unruly.

"I know you released her and the pink slime that clings to her, but not why.

"Iodha... is Madeline's mother."

"Iodha claims that Madeline is her child?" I lifted a brow at Nian. That was news I hadn't heard.

"Not claimed. Is." His brow lifted as well in challenge.

I grimaced at him, but I knew trying to argue was useless. It was no secret that Nian had mourned the death of Iodha forever, and Ios had sealed the knowledge of her whereabouts, even from the Straif and Nian, the men who'd love her.

If she was within reach, he'd tear the gates of hell down to get her. Duir had no hope of competing with Iodha for his love, despite the bond she'd created with him.

"Then, why are you here?"

Nion stuck his hands in his pants pockets and tilted his head to the side. "I was hoping to bring you back home. You have no bond with Ios. What's your reason for staying?"

"I have a promise I must keep." I allowed the grimace to come. If anyone knew about promises to keep, Nian should understand. Otherwise, why was he still at Duir's side?

Nian snorted again, then clapped a hand on my shoulder. "A promise you say? Ios will never hold up his end of your bargain. You're a fool to have given him your word. When you see your world go up in flames, you'll understand what I mean, Luis." His fingers twisted into my shirt, as his voiced became low and fierce. "I may be able to help you die before Joseph swallows you whole. Just say the word."

I was silent as I glared. "My promise is not with him."

He shoved me back with a fierce grin. "Yes, I know. I made it my business to know. I'm glad you remember."

The Promise of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book 3 (Complete - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now